I have always held all creatures in high regard, the more challenging the more i want it, also i grew up in new zealand where snakes are a little short on the ground, so when i came to oz and found all these beautifull pythons i became fascinated beyond the looking glass, then, at a private party between friends, a guest of the host who happened to work at a wildlife park in blacktown, (im being vague on purpose, anonimity and all that) brought a Yearling IJ-JCP out for a play and i was hooked, i applied for my licence a week later, and got my first snake within the month. It Died (don't ask me how, it died within the week, the seller advised me i should get an autopsy.... and the second hatchy (different breeder and species - 1st stimmy, 2nd bredli-was kept under exact same conditions and was FINE), then i got another who is now happily growing strong and is the female bredli in my album named Baillee, since then my collection has grown, and grown and grown to a fairly respectable collection, including snakes, and lizards, all in the last 2 years.