Even though they do work, i dont recommend small containers or tubs for baby Lacies as they're a very active species.
I keep juveniles in an enclosure about 100cm long, 50cm high and 50cm wide. They are given a reflector globe for basking and no night heating. Since your in Vic, you may want to include night heating by using either a ceramic globe or a heat mat under half the enclosure. My enclosure has glass front sliding doors which isnt too good for Lacies as they can bolt out of the enclosure even when the glass doors are opened about an inch.
I recommend an enclosure or tank which opens from above and high enough that they cant jump out. They are also easier to round up and catch in enclosures that open from above.
From what ive gathered from members with lacies and researching, juvie lacies are able to be housed indoors for approx. their first 2 yrs, in a large enclosure (6 footish), but an adult should be house in a outdoor aviary, Like everyone says.."THe bigger the better"