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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
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North Queensland
My cousins boyfriend had snakes, when i went over there i held one, and fell in love with it. So later in the month i bought one. But all my life i wanted a snake. Just wanna here different stories from other people.

Sorry if there was already a thread about this.
For me i grew up in the bush living with my uncle in a small town of around 200 so bugger all kids to play with. Most of my childhood was spent hunting, while walking looking for pigs roos emu fox...ect i would be catching lizzards and pythons that we would pass. How i grew up taught me alot about our bush and the animals that call it home. So naturaly i was fasinated by them
Well ive always liked reptiles and would of eventually got one either way, but i really started wanting one when i held a python at the australian reptile park :) ive held snakes before but i was younger and didnt know i could own them at the time lol i didnt end up getting my first python till a few years later tho which is 10 months ago now.
I remember back in primary school catching garden skinks and always loving lizards, every birthday candle wish was to have a pet lizard haha and i finally got them when i was about 10, it just grew from there.
I used to always catch garden lizards in my backyard when I was a kid and now 28 years later my missus says what you think about a snake for your bday I say yeah that will be cool so now I've kept snakes for 5 months lol and wondered why I waited so long lol now I just need to get each kid a snake well thats my excuse anyway.:D
About 15 years ago I did an Animal Attending course at TAFE. I was about 23, so one of the older students in the class lol and one of the subjects was 'Reptiles and Amphibians'. We went to places like Aust Reptile Park and the zoo for excursions and got to go behind the scenes and hold all the snakes (well except the vens). I did work experience at Featherdale as well so also got to handle them there. So after that is when I got the desire to own one. I started out with a spotted and two blueys which I lost all 3 in the shocking 40+ degree heat of new years day about 7? years ago :( then I had a break and now have another spotted and a bredli. But am in the process of selling the spotted due to having too many other animals of interest! (including human children:) )
i grew up around them and have been amazed by them from a young child -for there ability to move without limbs and how amazing their strike is . when i moved i needed something to remind me of home so i got a pilbara stimsoni (i used to live in port hedland )
My earliest memory is nearly standing on a EB and my dad moving me just in time. I spent the next 30 yrs terrified of snakes, and even thought "the only good snake was a dead one".

Then i took my then 2 yr old to a reptile show where, to my horror, she grabbed at the python they were showing then wanted her pic taken with it, i had to help her hold it for the picture and it was love at first touch. about 2 months later i got my first snake.
In grew up in Cairns and one winter we had a scrubbie come into our yard searching for heat. One of our cats had a bit of a go at it. After putting the cat inside we called the snake catcher. I had seen quite a few scrubbies but never up close. After that I decided I wanted to have one as a pet. The only problem was that mum has a phobia of snakes so I had to wait to I moved out. Now I am settled down in Melbourne I finally got my pet, a woma.
I've wanted a snake ever since the early days of primary school when i use to run around with a BIG rub on tattoo of a cobra on my chest \m/
I've loved reptiles since I was a kid. I used to catch lizards in the backyard and developed an early fascination with snakes. When we were on a school camp in primary school, I saw my first wild snake, a red-bellied black snake sheltering under a rock by a creek. I was so thrilled. As an adult I had the opportunity to hold a ball python at a wildlife park in the US - and decided then and there that I'd have my own snake one day.

Now I do. Plus a beardie. :D
Caught lizards as a young chap, always loved the school excursion to the reptile park only the snakes were important didn't wanna leave the snake area.
Seen a few reptile shows and expos.

Finally moved out

Got snake

To make me look cool and a bad as* when I carry them through the local shops
I can remember when I was like, 3 years old, the boys next door took me down the road to their friends place. He owned snakes and lizards. I can remember looking up at this huge (well it was huge to me at the time) carpet python hanging on the clothesline and just being so interested. I've loved them ever since!
I can also remember my Dad getting off the quad to rescue beardies and frillies before the sheep would stampede them. He'd let me pet them before he let them go again and I always remember wanting to keep one.
good ol dad was against keeping any furry friends because of mistaken identity
There were fruit flies pestering his morning bread loaf and he though they were fleas, so out my birds, chickens, rabbits, and guinea pigs went.
Then i discovered a loophole, reptiles had no fur :D started with turtles then expanded
i have always liked them, my partner has owned them before. so i decided to get my licence and get my own.
but best of all it keeps my family and so called friends away from my house, this is my pets house not theirs so they have every right to come out and roam around just like a dog or cat does.
mum didn't like dogs or cats and i wanted a pet and some family friends had a pair of bearded dragons and rest is history.
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