What meat would you eat....

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2nd. go, one of my fav. combinations is grilled roo steak with blueberry relish or whatever (blueberries anyway) the blueberries just seem to set the roo flavour off nicely.
...............solar 17 (Baden)
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Pork,lamb,beef,rabbit,croc,venison,rat,any seafood,snake,horse,goat,scorpion etc...oh and a huntsman - things ya do when ya pissed.
I'll eat any meat exept human
2nd. go, one of my fav. combinations is grilled roo steak with blueberry relish or whatever (blueberries anyway) the blueberries just seem to set the roo flavour off nicely.
...............solar 17 (Baden)

There is a grevillia up here (grevillia pteridifolia) that gets put on top of the wallaby in a ground oven and it tenderises the meat and adds (or enhances) the flavour of the meat. You usually leave a ground oven for 4-6 hours and the meat melts in your mouth.

What's up Skip?
I have eaten beef, chicken, lamb, pork, various seafood, duck, venison and I think roo. Also various processed and consequently unidentifiable meats in kebabs and sausages etc. I'm not keen on most processed meats and seafood. I don't think I could bring myself to eat horse, dog, cat, rats etc. unless the circumstance left me no choice because they are just so damn cute and I don't like the idea of eating things that I have kept as pets. I definately wouldn't eat anything if it was endangered or in serious rapid decline.
Ever tried mangrove worm? Tastes like a condom full of sand. ARGH!!

But many people swear to me that there is no better hangover cure in the universe. I'll stick to coffee, bacon & eggs thanx.
Cant say I have, but I watched a mate eat 1 a couple of years ago. Probably would be a good hangover cure, cos he spewed and just watching him try to suck it down his throat had me joining him in evacuating our stomach contents. I'll eat pretty much any meat going accept Croc, I found working in a Croc farm and eating them (or at least their drumsticks) they tend to want to eat you more for some reason. But to Quote my grandfather "Food tastes better when it had parents".
Beef , pork , chicken , lamb . fish , eel , crab . crayfish . shellfish , croc , emu , bambie , skippy , goat , rabbit , there must be more but for some reason I'm feeling hungry .

Hhaha, in your case rephrase the question to what you wouldn't eat :lol:
ur such a wealthy lot, to be able to afford all those delicious meats...i buy 6 beef sausages at a time, and have 1 every fortnight.. my animals eat far better than i do r
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When l was young, my grandfather always had cockatoo on Sunday night for tea if they were in plague proportions (Baden)

My grandfather always said, when you cook cockatoo you put rocks in the pot and when its cooked you throw out the bird and eat the rocks.
ur such a wealthy lot, to be able to afford all those delicious meats...i buy 6 beef sausages at a time, and have 1 every fortnight.. my animals eat far better than i do r

Shop around. I've found several good butchers with brilliant meat packs; one does our whole family of 5 for almost a fortnight on $43. The more exotic meats are 'purchased' via a mate with a block of land and a good old-fashioned projectile. Although that hasn't happened for a while. Just down the road I can get 6 sausages for just under $5, then there's local greengrocers with local produce... you'd be surprised the pennies you can save by doing so.
Would try wild dog or cat, not someones pet tho. And rats, well i'd give em a go, not a sewer or house rat, those giant rats of Papua New Guinea would have a bit of meat on em.
Many others i would try, except for any endangered species...jellyfish sounds interesting! And, although not mammal meat i wanna try some of the bugs, spiders and scorpions that are edible, some of them sound real tasty.
Had a Fish Head Laksa soup at a restaurant and it included the bones, brains and eyes of the fish, ate it all but felt wierd afterwards.

funny you should say that, a while back there were issues in Indonesia where street vendors would sell so called "chicken legs", these were in fact rat legs. Considering how small chickens are in that part of the world (like srsly half the size of your typical aus. chook), didn't look that much different from a fried chicken leg

jellyfish taste like...well, tough jelly
fish eyes are a delicacy n my dad has been trying for ages to make me like fish heads... still no go cz too lazy to deal with the bones n stuff (+ sucking a fish's eye socket on the table doesn't exactly appeal to me)

oh yea, pigeon brains, creamy n slightly bitter
Then there was the man caught eating Platypus in the national park . He told the judge he was starving and had no choice . That's ok then said the judge , but tell me what did it taste like ? Sort of like a cross between Koala and Kookaburra . :]
Just thought I should add one that I haven't seen on this thread yet, ostrich meat... if cooked well is probably one of my favourite meats, certainly a lot better than emu, even though I still like emu.
Venison is a big meat around here, pork, beef, chicken, duck, kangaroo, goanna, crocodile, snake, lamb, eel (especially the Japanese eel), goat, rabbit octopus, are all meats that I've tried and I'm sure there are more out there that I've tried just can't remember now, not keen on most seafood though, or organs.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone on here visited the wildfoods festival in Hokitika in NZ before?
Guinea pigs were the staple meat of the Inca before the Spanish trashed the place.

I've eaten sea turtle and dugong on the Arnhem Land coast and islands. I dont like either, they are both very fatty, but when my host offers me a feed I accept it.

You might be surprised to learn that the hunting pressure on these species doesn't come from using power boats or rifles. It's the Freezer that allows people to harvest more than they can eat over a couple of days. Unfortunately people are also less likely to share their catch now they have cold storage so each family group goes out to get some.

While I certainly appreciate that these species are threatened you will find habitat destruction has a much greater effect than hunting. Turtles and dugong both maintain very healthy populations on the Arnhem Land coast despite being high on the menu. But watch what happens if the developers move in and start dredging the sea grass beds and ripping out the mangroves for marinas.

Sea turtles are migratory so I dont think the locality is of primary concern, that is to say that since they are migratory I dont believe the population in a given location is very reflective of how the species is doing.

I'm not denying that other issues are involved with the conservation status of marine turtles. We have even found turtles that have died in the moreton bay area from Toxoplasmosis (cause by an organism that was not believed or didn't originally infect reptiles), but it's still no excuse for putting further hinderance on their current populations.
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