What snake is this??? Please help

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They are both definitely coastals. Just because one doesn't look like the other, doesn't mean they both aren't what they are. Coastals are an extremely variable species, even among members of a specific locale, and even amongst a clutch!

Also, the fact that she's from Pails for Scales suggests that she also definitely a coastal. Roy Pails is a very large breeder, and he's very reliable.
Its just when i brought her the people there didnt have a clue. there was costal written on the front of the cage but the feed chart said townsville and i asked and they said they didnt know. All the people there were even to scared to get her out!! lol. Im only guessing shes from pails for scale cos most of there purchases in there record book were from there.

if any1 has any pics of any similar costals it would be much appreciated as i cant find any. thank you.
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Definately a Coastal, and does display some Hypo-Melanistic look, although this will probably change when it gets older.
Its just when i brought her the people there didnt have a clue. there was costal written on the front of the cage but the feed chart said townsville and i asked and they said they didnt know. All the people there were even to scared to get her out!! lol. Im only guessing shes from pails for scale cos most of there purchases in there record book were from there.

if any1 has any pics of any similar costals it would be much appreciated as i cant find any. thank you.
A Townsville is just an ordinary coastal carpet also.
coastal carpet Ive had four and none of them looked anything like that
Looks like a coastal to me. A lot of them look like that when they're young. Give it a few years and see what happens. If you're really lucky she might stay like that!
my friend who owns a reptile shop hasnt seen one the same! I would like to know what she would be worth.
her markings dont match up with my costals. my costal has a totaly different pattern.
Albino Darwins don't have the same colour as Darwins, but that doesn't mean they aren't Darwins ;)

Coastals have a HUGE variety of patterns and colours. She is definitely a coastal. Looks like the hypo coastal some members have been breeding..
$150-200. She's nothing special, either of them.

hey there she is addorable but depend's where you buy from or sell, there's one like her up here in one of the pet shops selling for $350. and yeah she is most def a coastal, just a Hypo thats all. few of these guys going around these days so there not as rare as you might think, hints the price not that high. if she was exstremely special and not many around then you'd be looking much higher but unfortunitly she'd just not classes as anything out of the ordenary. quite a few bigger breeders are breeding more and more of these guys these day and most times there's the odd one that will look like this out of a normal clutch of coastals. but she is stunning though.

man is there so many different type's and colours in these guys, coastals can even come red and grey/blue, albino of cause but just cause there white don't meen that there not coastal right appart from them actually being a Darwin but still they are coastals. they can come almost no pattern, full striped, banded, spotted, red, white, black, orange, brown, green in colour, or malty coloured. and it looks as if your dark lil guy's a brisbane coastal, and I'd say that the townsville name was more locality than anything, but yeah coastal.

and it is also a big shame that people that are scared and have no exsperianced working with snakes get job's working with them. there either to scared and hate snake's to actually do there homework, and you get them giving out fulse information which sucks.

sorry for the rambling.


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