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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
Central Coast
Hi all
over two months ago I bought an item from the FOR SALE Accessories section from Aussie
after paying for the item straight away it was said to me the this person has sent the Item
after about 3 weeks I pm the member asking if there were any problems and if the item had been sent ???
they told me that they had just received it back and they had first sent it to the wrong address
which I was cool about ! but now being a month later and I have and I still haven't received the Item I am starting to get a little ANGARY
I have tried to pm the member again but to no answer it seem that they have not been on the site for a while
what would you guys do, do I just cut my losses ???

Cheers Peter
mmmm that really sux Peter .........this person is a subscriber of this forum ? surely there is something that can be done to help you out ....wonder if the mods could help ?..best of luck with it and I really hope you dont have to cut your losses...and if so, you should be able to name the person that ripped you off in my opinion too......
Thanks redbellybite
It wasnt a huge amount of money but it still is crapy
but I am torn between the whole naming thing I wouldnt want to do it but I wouldnt want this to happen to anyone else . If you pay for somthing you should get the product
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