Gee - sandpaper - of course your snake would love to curl up on crushed glass or aluminium oxide - would do wonders for their ventrals! No need to do anything to destroy "bugs" (whatever they are...). Boiling, bleaching, baking, soaking, spraying, poisoning, x-raying, spray painting, plastic coating, scorching, and all the other things people think are necessary to ensure a safe environment for your snake, are totally unnecessary. I truly wonder sometimes what people think snakes do to avoid all the imaginary problems keepers invent to keep themselves occupied. It has to be for the keeper's benefit, it certainly has no benefit for the snake. All it does is rob it of another direct and nice-smelling source of environmental stimulation. Why give it something natural when you can supply something that smells like disinfectant, paint, plastic, or some other toxic chemical?