Thanks for your advice.may i ask you a question or six; ive just bought a 2mtr bhp ive built with the help of a cabinet maker friend a1.5 x600x500 home for it with a perspex front,it has a full lenght basking shelf an 18w fleuro just as a light feature,it has a hide made of plywood, i read so much in this program that these snakes need uv,heat lamps red, blue,ect heat rocks,one end of the home must be a certain temp the other end another temp,could you advise me what i need.
i live in cooktown hot and humid in the wet season mild in the dry season,the snake i have bought has not eaten for 3.5 months he is active around the cage and looks healthy,i offered it a dead fresh rat today sniffed at it moved away any tips on heating lighting,feeding ect would be appreciated,bear in mind im only a learner.