Of coursei have the time to be able to feed one snake once a week because my snake's are my hobby, where as your snake's are your work. Im sure you spend most your time cleaning, feeding, breeding, incubating and so on, it would be impossible to do all of that AND look after a stubborn snake or 20. I do not think you are cruel at all, but instead of euthanising the snake's that wont feed i can take them off your hands
I had a friend on this site do exactly that, he had a couple of P. henrylawsonii that weren't doing well and were most likely going to die. A person said he would take them and look after so he gave him the animals. 6 months later, when the animals died, he was on the phone demanding replacements as they had died. He never got them obviously, but guess what happens now, those they are not going to make are euthenised and not given to anyone. The same reason why I would rather euthenise a snake or lizard rather than give them away.