when should i feed them

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2009
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from experience,
when is the best time to feed bearded dragons?
mid morning or late afternoon?
also i want my male to start eating more meats as he looks a little skinny compared to my female. both are yearlings. i managed to get the female to eat a little bit of chicken breast and i want my male to do the same.
any suggestions?
You might want to try to get your hands on the Keeping Bearded Dragon Book, Pails should have them in stock.

BTW keep in mind if the heats off and the Beardies have a full stomach they may have issues digesting large protein rich meals.
i feed them mid morning. but i want to know if it would be better mid morning or late afternoon
and the temps are fine. my male has never really been one for meats and live food. but he will eat vegies non stop. i cant have him refuse meat otherwise he wont have a balanced diet.
from experience,
when is the best time to feed bearded dragons?
mid morning or late afternoon?
also i want my male to start eating more meats as he looks a little skinny compared to my female. both are yearlings. i managed to get the female to eat a little bit of chicken breast and i want my male to do the same.
any suggestions?

chuck a live pinky mouse in there what my mate dose. lol
his beardie loves it
yeah maybe ill try that.
ill have to check if pails sells them live.
all that i know of is frozen
they have pinkie velvet rats...
...also frozen
if not a frozen one will do fine aswell.
there is no difference just one is dead ones alive.
im gonna start breeding mice.
chuck a live pinky mouse in there what my mate dose. lol
his beardie loves it

thats illegal.

i got an infraction for offering 'illegal' advice a while ago...better be careful no one dobs on u! ;P
thats rubbish. who makes up these laws.
i know for a fact its not dse although they might endorse it.
oh well cant do that now...
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