Which to get??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello, which should I get, a spotted python, or a bearded dragon? I'd like to know to good things of each, and the bad things about them both. Thanks a lot.

Hello, which should I get, a spotted python, or a bearded dragon? I'd like to know to good things of each, and the bad things about them both. Thanks a lot.

You have to feed beardies every day;)
Spotted babies will bite you every day:lol: (it won't hurt, promise)
But I'd vote spotted
I prefer snakes as they are really easy to care for, but lizards are more active/entertaining.

You'll probably end up getting both eventually (we are)! But I'd say start with the spotted coz they're easier I think, so would make a good first reptile.
Depends on what you want to get. A low maintenance, low activity reptile, or a high maintenance, high activity reptile. Spotteds require smaller enclosure, heat (32C), water, hide and thawed food once a week. Beardeds require larger enclosure, heat (40ishC), UVB tube, water and spraying daily, hide and live food (crickets or woodies) and greens (fruit and vegetable) daily.

Snakes, in my opinion, are much much easier, and are certainly my vote.
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