White tadpoles?

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Active Member
May 31, 2009
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Hi all.
I have green tree frogs and they have bred, i have about a hundred froglets now but i noticed while they were tadpoles all were blackish in colour except for a few white ones. Now they are froglets the white ones are still swimming around, no legs no signs of change at all. They are quite big now and i would like to know if anyone else has had this before. Time frame of morphing, what they look like if they do morph. they dont have red eyes so i don't think they're albino.
Intriguing can you supply a photo at all?
i found a white one out in a small puddle once! i wanted to take it but i had nothing to put it in! pics would be cool!

When i was about 10 family friends owned a nursery, had heaps of tadpoles swinning around in there water pots i remember finding a white one as well. They wernt green tree frogs though.
is it possible that any other frog species was able to get into the pond where eggs were laid?
They are mutant sperm which have shunned the egg and are trying to strike out on their own....
I will put up picks soon, its just a little hard to get one when they're not moving! :) No other frog species could have gotten in because i keep them in an enclosure in my house.
i did read that forum but it gave hardly any answers to my many questions, plus the one on that post died and makes me worry about my little guys.
The only other info i could find on the net was the link MaRkAs put up and that one died not long after it came out of the water. Thats why i posted here, the collective knowlage here is massive. The white tadies are big and fat and very active, so i guess thats a good sign.
mau be keep it the water for a long time it looks like they are a lot slower so the lungs might need anothere month or so just my thourght after reading the info
have you tryed any US or UK forums
No, i dont realy know any forien forums. any sugestions? Yeah the info suggests that and none of them have legs yet either.
i havent had a look for any forums sorry
how long has it been so far and hows it compeard to the rest of the offspring
Its not uncommon for some tadpoles in a spawning to be white (called leucistic). True albinos have red/pink eyes. Occasionally some tadpoles morph into pale frogs but it seems more common for them to die at the tadpole stage. I think its a natural selection of some sort.

Yes, I agree with Aaron, albino frogs arn't uncommon, esp with common species, but most weird coloured tadpoles whether albino or just different coloured are usually weaker and don't last through the morphing process. I guess you will just have to wait and see.
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