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Yeah mate,
I had previously heard of the pygmy johnstoni.... Never seen one though.

Can I have one ....... pleeeeeeaaaasseeee.... :lol:
No you can't "yet" afro. But apparently they are trying to change that. :lol:
That's gotta be a good thing.
Yeah, they say it's a new subspecies that only grows to a metre. But I'd like to know what the evidence is for it being a new ssp., because it's possible that it's just a population where all the larger crocs are removed from the population by some ecological factor. In a similar way to fish stocks in Eastern Australia where the average size is decreasing.


The pygmy Cj's have been known for several decades now. I seem to recall that they live up in the gorges and are georaphically isolated. I saw a short doco on them ages ago so I cant remember much about it. I would have thought they'd been classified by now. I have a photo of one somewhere. I'll try and find it.
Apparently they are not even a subspecies of johnstoni, but a whole new species! They live alongside normal freshies and salties, so are not isolated.
I posted a pic of one in Reptile show album David lutz created, under "reptiles" :) Ill be first to put my hand up if they let us have em!
I thought the expo was excellent.

The diamonds were incredible. I'd never seen a diamond with such high yellows before. There was also a very nice black/white diamond.

The jungles were also very nice - especially Bigguy's juvenile (which I've since found out is not for sale :( )

Also was great to see an oenpelli and albino olives. My g.f was speechless when she read the blurb about the olives which stated the breeding pairs value as somewhere in the 250k vicinity!

And did anyone see the huuuge green tree frog! It was over 20yrs old adn the biggest i have ever seen. I have a photo I will post later.
The albino Olives weren't valued at $250K...that's what Gavin wanted. Just quietly too, I doubt anyone in Australia would pay anywhere near that amount for a albino pairs and a few het pairs...dreamin'

Simon Archibald
Ahh ok. Thanks Simon.

Yeh seems a little steep. I think I'd read a post on here a while ago that mentioned a similar price so thought that must be the going rate.

They are quite nice in real life though...far nicer than in the pictures I reckon.
I saw that frog linus, was the size of an adults hand and then some. Was enormous.
Yes Linus the albinos were amazing in real life. And the frog was HUGE...kept jumping off the lady's hands :)

Simon Archibald
I thought that big green tree frog was a bit ugly, with all that skin hanging over its eyes. Oh and if anyone saw the diamond that came third, that was mine. There was a very nice Kimberley Rock Monitor there, apparently they are also being collected for the captive trade.
Simon_Archibald said:
Yes Linus the albinos were amazing in real life.
Simon Archibald

nah i am sorry but it looks like chocolate!
i thought it was an add for milky bar kid
There was a very nice Kimberley Rock Monitor there, apparently they are also being collected for the captive trade.
They are apparently in breeding programs now SH. Apparently breeding pairs will be $5000 and hatchies will be $1000 each. Not to bad really when you consider there are none around.
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