Woma breaking bones.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Anyone ever had problems with womas breaking ribs easily?

I have a very skittish Woma who recieves little handling, she has freaked out in my hands but my grip has always been loose. There is very little visual signs other than an indentation when she is positioned a certain way and to feel the area it is rough edged as if bones are snapped clean in half. I have no idea whether they are fresh injuries or old ones that have healed, she has been in my possession for approx 6months, never eaten for me though still in good condition. one injury was noticed soon after possesion the other I just noticed tonight.

Temps have always been OK.

Any thoughts? Besides telling me to take it to a vet.​
Maybe she was on pinkies for too long with her previous owner and didn't get enough calcium?
Just a thought, but I doubt that would be it. Whatever it is doesn't sound good.
Good theory, however I should have mentioned she is a wild caught adult, previously feeding well on dayolds and weaner rats.
she could have fragile bones? if your grip is loose and you still see indentations, how was she handled prior to you receiving her? is she constantly skittish even in her enclosure? it may just be the ramifications of the fact she's a wild caught woma!
What are you feeding your woma you could try dusting her food with calcium powder for a while try upgrading her food bigger food item means more calcium
Wild Caught ????


Lambert, She has always been in good care, it is almost imperseptable on the outside and could easily go unnoticed. she is nervous when caught unaware but readily settles in hand.

Pythrulz, she has not fed for me but was previously a good feeder.
Thanks. In all honesty I'm not yet all that worried, it's just kind of odd, hopefully they are old injuries, that will lessen the likely hood of it being her feeding problem at least, but if they are new injuries then it leaves a couple of questions, firstly- why is it happening? secondly-is it the reason she refuses food and if so will she mend?
Where do you think the original snakes for the hobby came from? Womas are only a couple of generations in captivity from what I understand. So many of the original wild caught specimens are likely to still be alive. Sorry to hear about the snake Steve. I hope it's nothing serious and I hope she eats for you soon
ever had a broken rib? breathing hurts, so I'd think eating particularly in the case of a snake wouldn't be much fun. If it's a not an old injury then I think 'pain' would be your answer.

Was the animal wild directly before you got it? or has it had a previous owner?
It could have been a traumatic injury during capture or as someone else stated maybe calcium deficiency, has her weight been decreasing a lot from when you got her or does she have any muscle tremors that you've noticed.

I know you dont want recommendations to go to a vet, but a vet will be able to provide you with options to help ensure the bones set properly if it is a new injury, I dont think they could do much at all if its an old one.
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Vet is booked.
As said it is in good condition. I would have liked for her to eat again before winter kicked in, but she was eating regularly before I took possesion and condition wise there is nothing to worry about.
It has only been in the hands of two other very experienced people. The physical signs are minute, almost imperceptible, which makes me think they are probably pre captivity injuries that are long healed, however if the injuries are new there is an underlying issue, as I can not think of a situation that could have caused the breakages and if they were recent I would have expected a little fluid build up or something.

I appreciate all the feedback, I was more curious to hear if others had had snakes with brittle bones rather than seeking advice about what I should do.
A mate of mine has some woma's and doesn't seem to have much of a problem with brittle bones, from what he tells me that can be clumsy though. I guess if they are old narrowing down a cause would be difficult but I wouldn't rule out being run over by a car at some stage either, I know people who have witnessed other drivers go out of their way to hit snakes.

Good luck getting her eating again, and good luck with the vet hopefully they can help
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