I personally think a 600H cage for a woma is a waste of space, good if you have a climbing species like morelia. Though i have seen mine climb
I now run a Snake Whisper tub system for my adults now it 1100L x 800W x 300H and it works an absolute treat.
I dont think i would go back to the old caging system. It has a viewing window and is a dream to maintain and clean and has awesome gradients.
All I added was LED lighting for viewing and lighting cycles. I was so impressed with the 1st bank i got, I ordered another and am selling off the old caging system. Aaron is really good to deal with and is a great craftsman.
You can see the caging size difference in one of the pics, saves on room too
There are many options out there you need to use the one that works best for you and your animals.
I can't fault this new system........