Would you kill a cat....

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Would you shoot a cat if it had a collar?

  • Yes - I regularly go shooting/have access to equipment

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • No - I regularly go shooting/have access to equipment

    Votes: 8 11.3%
  • Yes - never shot anything though

    Votes: 14 19.7%
  • No - never shot anything though

    Votes: 31 43.7%
  • No opinion - can't say

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Just because a cat doesn't have a collar doesn't mean it isn't a pet! My cat that lives with my mum doesn't wear a collar - she just gets out of them. She is allowed out during the day and stays inside at night. She has never caught a bird...

She has never caught a bird that you know of.
. All she has been able to catch has been a baby mouse, a mouse in our garage and cockroaches and skinks.

Says it all really doesn't it?

Obviously no one would condone shooting near a house so any cat seen through the sights is one that is out doing damage.
I don't hate cats, I hate that people think their cat has the right to kill other animals.
If someone boasted that their kid was killing native wildlife, people would be up in arms about it but cats... well that's just their nature isn't it?
Nope, no birds. As I said they all gang up on her and she gets scared. She is getting fat and lazy now though and she just sleeps all day.
I don't let her kill wildlife - I see it and take it off her. Then check it for puncture wounds. Generally when she sees us coming she drops it and runs now.
And as I said - my kitten seems like a hunter and he will be an inside cat only. Saying that though, mice and skinks still come inside - will I get into trouble then for my kitten catching wildlife?
I would certainly kill a cat, regardless of collar, if I had due cause, although I would possibly give the owners, if I knew them/of them, an option to control the cat first.

Too many scenarios for a cut and dried line.
All she has been able to catch has been a baby mouse, a mouse in our garage and cockroaches and skinks.

Actually I like skinks a hell of a lot more than cats...

Are you saying it's okay for them to kill skinks.. And how do you know that your cat is'nt killing endangered marsupial mice???

It's nice that you know your cats a killer, but in your book it's okay because they're animals you dont like:shock::shock:

It's owners like you that give cats a bad name
I dont care what any one does with cats.....
but its the owners who need to be educated , its not the cats fault , its only doing what it does .
as for people who kill them and say well it should not be out side , try remembering that when your snake gets out and your neighbour cuts it in half with a shovel .;)
Did they care?
(re rocket frog captured by cat)

No, they didn't. I rescued the rocket frog... but because it was dark I couldn't see the damage done. But it did hop away. So that was a good sign.

But their cat had a bell on it - though that doesn't help I guess vs frogs.

I'd imagine that cats could help (to some extent) control rats, mice and pest birds (all non-natives only) but as they're not selective - many natives will sucumb to the feline tenacity!
If the cat is outside of it's own yard, I say it's fair game.

When my partner was living in Sydney, a neighbour's cat wandered into his backyard. His dog (a Husky) caught and killed the cat - which was a pet, collar and all. As far as I'm concerned, if the neighbours wanted their cat to stay safe they should have kept it in their own backyard.
Guns in suburbia are .... how shall I put it? - Frowned upon.

Traps are however legal and can work well. When your moggy is bagged (collar or not) many/most councils will collect them (free of charge) and in my experience, most of those collected are humanely put down.
Originally Posted by Krystal
. All she has been able to catch has been a baby mouse, a mouse in our garage and cockroaches and skinks.

SKINKS ARE WILDLIFE,you are the problem here,and people like you.
Ummm.. pike... all the above are wildlife... Don't forget Australia has two native cockroaches (maybe more) many native skinks and several native (and somewhat rare) mice!

Just because it's not furry and live in a tree or is a reptile - doesn't mean it's not wildlife!

People can like cats, but get them de-sexed, keep them well fed, keep them inside all the time or don't buy a cat.
How do you keep a cat confined to a yard ??

In a cat aviary. There are a few companies that make them these days, Catmax etc (www.catmax.com.au). I used to have a Ragdoll, but she lived indoors 24/7. The aviaries are made of strong mesh, I guess if some native animal is stupid enough to go into the cat enclosure then it's bad luck for them.
How do you keep a cat confined to a yard ??

In a cattery which is a aviary like structure that permits the cat to be ouside and also provides appropriate shelter for the animal. Similar to a dog run. When the owner wants to bring the animal inside they could enter the cattery, clip a lead onto its collar (in case it tries to escape) and take it inside their house. This solution may not be perfect as some small animals, lizards etc may enter the cattery through the small wire mesh, but at least it would solve most of the problem.

Dog owners are supposed to keep their dogs restricted to their own property and not allow their animals to roam the streets or trespass on other peoples property.

I fail to understand why cat owners seem to think the same principle does not apply (or should not apply) to their cats? And seem to think their cats have the right to free reign where ever they choose to wander.
I do like skinks! But that still doesn't mean they should be inside. If I could I would love to keep skinks as pets. I also like mice and rats and keep them as pets, that doesn't mean I like the fact that my cat catches them. That is the reason that we take things off my cat when she catches them! They are domestic mice because obviously I looked at them when taking it off her! Besides I set up a cage for that baby mouse so I could keep it. If I see geckos and skinks inside the house I take them outside, if I can catch them. My bf's family take huntsmen outside if they catch them. :?

If my cat was a dog who stayed in her yard would it be any different? Does everyone like dogs better than cats so it is ok for dogs to be out? My dog used to catch birds, possums, etc. If anything you should complain about her, not my cat because she catches skinks and mice. Or is it because some dogs kill cats?

I'm not saying its ok for them to kill animals since they have no need to do it, but you all think they should be kept inside - it doesn't stop snakes,skinks, frogs, etc. getting into the house - it only stops cats from getting outside to catch them!

Maybe you should complain about all of the people who don't get their cat or dog desexed! They are the ones who let their pet get pregnant and then dump them and let them become feral!

Besides when I move into my own house I will take my kitten and also my cat from my mum and they will both be indoor cats. Especially since I want a frog pond, bird bath, etc.
My dog used to catch birds, possums, etc. If anything you should complain about her, not my cat because she catches skinks and mice.

I'm kinda with you on this one. Kataan (the Husky) still kills birds and possums when they wander into our backyard. But what are we supposed to do, muzzle him 24/7..? If a bird/possum/mouse etc comes into the yard and gets killed, I guess that's too bad for them.

The difference is, he's not out wandering the streets like most domestic cats.
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