Would you kill a cat....

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Would you shoot a cat if it had a collar?

  • Yes - I regularly go shooting/have access to equipment

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • No - I regularly go shooting/have access to equipment

    Votes: 8 11.3%
  • Yes - never shot anything though

    Votes: 14 19.7%
  • No - never shot anything though

    Votes: 31 43.7%
  • No opinion - can't say

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters
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I'm not saying its ok for them to kill animals since they have no need to do it, but you all think they should be kept inside - it doesn't stop snakes,skinks, frogs, etc. getting into the house - it only stops cats from getting outside to catch them!

Is that really too much to ask, I mean keeping them inside???

Or are you saying that if it kills them inside why not let it kill outside the house.. I mean really how often does your cat kill things inside the house??

By the sounds of it your cat is exactly what this thread is about...Pet cats that are allowed to do what comes naturally which is kill:evil: This is the main point cats are killing machines and Australias wildlife has'nt had to deal with a predator like this previously, and has not had the chance to evolve any defences..

As for dogs, a dog in a backyard stays in the backyard, unlike a cat which has free reign unless it's in a catery, it can climb fences and trees etc
I will never understand why any reptile keeper/lover would also keep and defend a cat
it just don't work
Dogs are mans best friend and smart
Cats are no ones friend and sly and cunning (plus germ carriers)
Take your pick
If I could catch it and contact the owners, I would.

If, after that, I saw the same cat on my property again, I would not hesitate to shoot it like I would any other feral animal.
My cat does not wander the streets, she is afraid of cars - our street is very busy, she is afraid of people when they come up to her. We live on a hill so our garden is 3 levels - she has been down to the 2nd level once. She is afraid of the dog next door which comes into our yard, and afraid of the cat on the other side who thinks our yard is his territory. She is afraid of the wind and obviously hates the rain. Does it sound like she goes out of our yard? Not only that but she likes to sit on the stairs outside when they warm up and likes sleeping on the verandah table in the sun. Besides, how do you stop a cat from running outside as you open the door?

Lots of skinks and geckos come inside! There was a tree snake in mum's bedroom last week - what do you want us to do about that? The cat showed it to her so mum caught it and let it go down the back.

Oh and by the way, skinks have something in them that make cats throw up when they eat them and also something that keeps them skinny. Considering I am the one who cleans up her spew, I know when she has eaten them - which hasn't happened in a long time!

I still don't see how anyone feels they have a right to shoot someone's cat! It isn't fair and for all it matters to you that pet could be a very important part of someones life!

As I said before when I move out and have the ability to ensure my cat will stay inside then I will. The same goes for my kitten. But for now my cat will be allowed outside while she lives with my mum.
I will never understand why any reptile keeper/lover would also keep and defend a cat
it just don't work

What if it is kept in a cat aviary at all times? That's no different to having a dog in the backyard.

I'm a dog person 100%, but I don't mind cats (though I wouldn't say I love them).
God I would hate for some redneck to shoot any of my pets...
That's like me seeing a dog with a collar and shooting it, because dogs have been known to eat natives and attack children... Nasty stuff.

Needless to say, no, I would not shoot a cat with a collar.
I know of people whose dogs who will run and jump at fences to knock possums off the fence and then rip them to shreds. I know cats kill wildlife but so do dogs. If you want to be fair then shoot both.
I still don't see how anyone feels they have a right to shoot someone's cat! It isn't fair and for all it matters to you that pet could be a very important part of someones life!


If a pest animal is on my property, destroying native wildlife, then I am legally entitled to shoot it and feel no moral remorse about doing so, collar or not. Especially if I've already removed said cat once before!
If cat owners kept their cats contained we would not be having this discussion :p

I just hate it when the neighbors cat jumps out of my pit in my backyard with a baby lizard in its mouth
I know of people whose dogs who will run and jump at fences to knock possums off the fence and then rip them to shreds. I know cats kill wildlife but so do dogs. If you want to be fair then shoot both.

If thats the case with those particular dogs then maybe its the owners fault for not confining them to a dog run at night when possums are active. Cats roaming the neighbourhood is also the fault of irresponsible owners.

I know what I'd prefer to shoot and its not the dogs or cats ;)

Ignorant and irresponsible owners are the problem not the animals.
If cat owners kept their cats contained we would not be having this discussion :p

I just hate it when the neighbors cat jumps out of my pit in my backyard with a baby lizard in its mouth

Agreed. If I found a cat eating one of my herps I would probably strangle it myself then and there. But some cat owners are responsible, and those cat enclosures are certainly gaining in popularity.

Colin said:
If thats the case with those particular dogs then maybe its the owners fault for not confining them to a dog run at night when possums are active.

Kataan kills possums at night, and birds during the day. It's just not practical to have him confined to a dog run 24/7.
collared cat no, uncollared out in the bush looking like it's on the prowl yes. i'm not a fan of out door cats at all, too many dangers for the cat and the wildlife, in short if you love you cat keep it safe and sound indoors, if you don't introduced it to the outside world it won't know what it's missing anyway.
Kataan kills possums at night, and birds during the day. It's just not practical to have him confined to a dog run 24/7.

If he was confined to an enclosed dog run at night that would solve the possum problem. In the day maybe if you attached some bells to his collar so he made more of a noise in the yard, it would give the birds more chance to escape his stalking. Maybe even a mussle during the day would allow him to drink but not to catch birds in his mouth.
If he was confined to an enclosed dog run at night that would solve the possum problem. In the day maybe if you attached some bells to his collar so he made more of a noise in the yard, it would give the birds more chance to escape his stalking. Maybe even a mussle during the day would allow him to drink but not to catch birds in his mouth.

To be honest, if a dog (or cat) is killing critters in it's own back yard, then fair play to it. It is never going to impact the over-all population (unless every possum in the country decides to take a vacation in Miss B's backyard) like allowing them to roam (and breed) freely would, and frankly the impact of having a house where before there was only natural habitat is doubtless far more severe than the possums or birds Kataan might kill during his life.

Muzzling dogs, or confining them to runs is stressful for them, especially if it isn't normal behaviour for them, and I personally favour my dogs mental wellbeing over the life of a possum or bird.

If a pest animal is on my property, destroying native wildlife, then I am legally entitled to shoot it and feel no moral remorse about doing so, collar or not. Especially if I've already removed said cat once before!

What is G.A.F?

Anyway, are people even allowed guns? My dad got rid of his dad's gun and I thought it was because we weren't allowed them.

My opinion is that no one has the right to kill somebody's pet. They can take things to court and have the animal euthanised because of the law. But it is not right for people to kill someone else's pet.
What is G.A.F?

Give. A. And the last word starts with F...

Basically, I couldn't care less how important a cat is to someone else. If it's on my property, especially after I've already removed it and had it returned to it's owners, then it's fair game.

Anyway, are people even allowed guns? My dad got rid of his dad's gun and I thought it was because we weren't allowed them.

There are restrictions on firearm ownership, many of which were knee-jerk reactions proposed by the government of the day (which is still the government today) supported by non-gun-owning, city living 'liberals' in order to appear to address the problem. Which they didn't.

But in answer to your question, Australians are still allowed to own firearms. Your father probably owned semiautomatic rifles or shotguns, and wasn't eligible for an exemption when these were made illegal in 1996.

My opinion is that no one has the right to kill somebody's pet. They can take things to court and have the animal euthanised because of the law. But it is not right for people to kill someone else's pet.

It's also 'not right' for people to be blatantly irresponsible with their pets. I'm willing to give them a fair go, and return their cat (or dog, as the case may be) but if they continue, once warned, to allow their animal to freely roam the neighborhood, then the next time I see that cat and can get a gun in time, I'll give it another hole to breath through.
I wouldnt and havnt ever killed a cat with a collar(trapped plenty without them though). I personally would prefer not to kill someones pet myself, even if they intentionally put it in a position to get killed(outside there property), so if i got a cat with a collar i would take it to the pound for them to kill/have owners pay a ransom(or whatever its called) to get it back.

I think its great that there are ppl around who will just kill any outdoor cat in Australia it sends a very positive message. Sure a cat may be an important part of an individuals life but native wildlife is an important part of millions of ppls lives. If anyone cared for their cat they wouldnt let it out to get run over or trapped, seems a bit unfair for them to go blaming the person/animal that killed it when they were supposed to be looking after the animal in the first place. I also often BS to ppl who keep cats and tell them i always speed up for them and trap and kill collared cats all the time, sure most cat owners dont care about wildlife but telling them stuff like that makes them reconsider leaving them out to roam.

Cats are a unnatural predator type in this country any decent person would want to see them all wiped out or atleast kept inside houses or in cages. Large dogs on the other hand ARE a natural predator in this country and can actually kill and eat cats. There is no real comparison between the 2 animals. Dogs can also be easily trained(there are exceptions) not to kill wildlife too.

Aside from ppl who care about our wildlife ppl who care about their health should also be killing cats IMO they would probably cause more illness than any other introduced pest.
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