WTH is happening with my girl

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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Port Macquarie NSW
For those that can remember my thread titled Parthenogenisis in coastal carpet pythons you might be interested in a new and not very pleasant turn of events, she had what we will call a pre lay shed and retreated to the new and larger nesting box and did not come out for 3 days, on day 4 i put my hand in the tank to replace her water and she came out of the box like lightning and almost got me, we have had her for 5 years and in all that time she has never even so much as "S"'d up let alone try and bite anyone so i thought she may have layed her clutch, but when i coaxed her out with the promise of a finger i looked in the box and it was empty so i thought "ok she might be hungry" so i offered her a freshly thawed rat nicely warmed up to the temp she likes and she completely ignored it, instead she kept trying to get my hand (this is so not like her) so i contacted my brother to get some of his end of breeding mice (extra large) he was able to give me 3 of them so i tried her on 1 and she took it with gusto so i tried another 1 but she ignored it but still tried to get me, so over the course of 3 days she had 1 extra large mouse per day but with the same result every time...she would down the mouse then turn her attention to trying to tag me. Up until now our girl has been such a darling that with supervision i even trusted her with my 2yo grandaughter, now she is like the devil incarnate.........Could someone possibly shed some light on her personality reversal and has this happened to others here. I hope this is just some sort of teenage phase she is going through, i will still love her as much as i do now but it might be from afar for awhile i think.

I would leave her alone till she lays. She obviously feels threatened by your presence. Her actions don't seem so out of place when you consider that she's just trying to protect her young to be.
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