Hi guys - proud parent of a Murray Darling carpet python (hatched in early Feb - bought off breeder in mid March). This is my first carpet python, so I've spend a huge amount of time reading books and learning as much as possible about captivity.
Unfortunately the little fella hasn't eaten since 29 Apr, and it's giving me a bit of stress. Prior to this, he was eating 1 frozen thawed fuzzie mouse weekly with no issues. He's always been a shy eater, and has never struck at his food when I give it to him with tongs - he would always just eat in his own time. I'm still trying to feed him fuzzies weekly and leaving in his enclosure overnight, but with no success. I've also tried upping the size a couple of times to hoppers but had no success. I generally put a tea towel over the top to give him more privacy when feeding.
I've got him in a 7L Sistema container with a hide log at his warm end, and toilet roll hide and water at the cool end with a branch too, which he seems to love (he sleeps on it most nights). I have an 8W heatmat covering just over 1/3 underneath. I've covered the sides of the enclosure to give him some extra privacy as well. Day temps hover between 31-32, and overnight, particularly on colder nights it can get down to around 28. I'm in Ballarat Victoria where it is freezing cold in winter, and some nights can drop down to 0 overnight outside..
The heatmat stays on 24/7 and it's hooked up to a pulse proportional thermostat with the probe (and separate thermometer probe) sitting together in there.
When I weighed him last night he was 39g. At times he can look a bit skinner than he normally does, but certainly nothing that would suggest he's at risk of anorexia or anything serious. He's still just as active at night in his enclosure, is wonderful to handle and still loves to explore.
Looking at the photos, are there any obvious issues that would suggest I'm doing something wrong here? Or is it just him going on a hunger strike because of the shorter/darker/colder days? And is it safe for such a young python to be on a hunger strike for this long? It seems to be more adults that do this..
I absolutely love Mr Slithers, and want to make sure he's absolutely comfortable in his enclosure
Thanks all!

Unfortunately the little fella hasn't eaten since 29 Apr, and it's giving me a bit of stress. Prior to this, he was eating 1 frozen thawed fuzzie mouse weekly with no issues. He's always been a shy eater, and has never struck at his food when I give it to him with tongs - he would always just eat in his own time. I'm still trying to feed him fuzzies weekly and leaving in his enclosure overnight, but with no success. I've also tried upping the size a couple of times to hoppers but had no success. I generally put a tea towel over the top to give him more privacy when feeding.
I've got him in a 7L Sistema container with a hide log at his warm end, and toilet roll hide and water at the cool end with a branch too, which he seems to love (he sleeps on it most nights). I have an 8W heatmat covering just over 1/3 underneath. I've covered the sides of the enclosure to give him some extra privacy as well. Day temps hover between 31-32, and overnight, particularly on colder nights it can get down to around 28. I'm in Ballarat Victoria where it is freezing cold in winter, and some nights can drop down to 0 overnight outside..
The heatmat stays on 24/7 and it's hooked up to a pulse proportional thermostat with the probe (and separate thermometer probe) sitting together in there.
When I weighed him last night he was 39g. At times he can look a bit skinner than he normally does, but certainly nothing that would suggest he's at risk of anorexia or anything serious. He's still just as active at night in his enclosure, is wonderful to handle and still loves to explore.
Looking at the photos, are there any obvious issues that would suggest I'm doing something wrong here? Or is it just him going on a hunger strike because of the shorter/darker/colder days? And is it safe for such a young python to be on a hunger strike for this long? It seems to be more adults that do this..
I absolutely love Mr Slithers, and want to make sure he's absolutely comfortable in his enclosure
Thanks all!