DeVis "Mud Adder" Banded photos

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Almost Legendary
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Hobbiton, Middle Earth.
Just snapped some pics during cleaning




above photos of male, he feeds on pinkies or will happily take whitebait from your fingers....
Great colour and bands, maybe its just me but I've noticed the females seem to be a lot darker in colour (has been the case with my females) mind you they are fat porkers :lol:
Would love to own this species one day. Difficult feeders?
haha, does she look like a difficult feeder! she has to go on a diet! Nah, some can be but on the whole not to bad. I just gave one that I have been battling with away to a mate..never ate for me in the three odd years I had it, started eating for him within hours lol, always the way

These two follow your fingers around waiting to be fed
had a mate bitten by a small one of these suckers whilst we were out Herping around 100km from St George..... he was a little groggy for a couple of hours afterwards but carried on herping..... but then was crook for a month afterwards with swelling to the hand that was bitten. Not to be underestimated.
Yeah, Ive had a few mates bitten by them and they dont recommend it either... these two will bite you out of hunger more than anger, the one I gave away was a different story, it was a nutcase.... (thus the freebie)

They make good class 1 elapids though, but I would NEVER sell one to a child under 6 years old ;)
They look great mate,that female has certainly packed on the weight around the head hey,nice.
Thanks for the tip,i have never tried feeding my fella a selection of meats ;).
He is a strong pinkie eater,even taking pinkie rats and an absolute pig.
Any luck with breeding ?,id like to give it a crack if i could find a female.

??? depends, I have had the little male for 3 years, he has hardly grown, but he is half her size. The male I gave away was much bigger, but he was stressy.. and im not worried about breeding things these days, if it happens it happens but thats not why I keep them.
Ok cheers,i was thinking they would have to be a good sized 3 year old.
I have to say they are a very inquisitive and interesting little snake to keep.
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