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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2007
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will ive finally decided that im going to get my reptile license and i think my first snake will be a childrens python which il get after i get my license after i send away for it(license) next month
and ive got a few questions about them any help with these would be appreciated
what is the best size to buy a childrens python at?
what size tank will hatchlings need and what size will adults need?
what type of tank should i use?
how should i heat it?
how should i set it up?(temp,substrate,ventilation/humidity.etc.)
do pythons need uv light?
how often will i need to feed it and how much>>?
what should the normal humidity be and will i need to change it when its sheding?
how much do they usually cost?

what python grows the biggest out of the commonly available childrens python group?

and anyother info on them would also be appreciated, thanks
All of the above has been answered thousands of time's i suggest u do a search u will fined sh#t loads of info on this

Children's python's are great for bigginers, I have a male myself. I got him when he was 1 and 11 days he was feeding on Pinkie rats but I moved him up to fuzzy rats. You could get them realy young or 3yo, if you get them young you can't have them in a enclosure you would have to keep them in a "click clack" and then when their older you can put them in the enclosure. Adults will happly spend their live in a 3ftL, 40cmH, 40cmW, and Hatchlings need to be in a "click clack"(I don't know the correct size). Glass tanks are a big NO NO, wooden/pine enclosures with a glass front, they don't heat up to much, but you could easily make your own.
A heat bulb(60 watt in a 3ft) or heat mat/heat cord. Astro-turf is good its practiclly the same as fake grass, its easy to clean, and it looks great., tempreture needs to be 25degrees-28 in the cool end(Mines around 24-27) and in the hot end it should be 30-33, the snake will go to the most comfortable place(likes the temp). On the enclosure there will be plastic over were they/you have cut out a peice from the wood then thats you air ventalation. You can use a light but they dont recommend it, I use a inffered heat bulb, so the snake can't see the light, but it is bright in your room. Once a week to 10 days as young snakes and older should be 10 or 12 days. I don't record the huminity scence there natrual area is deserts and other hot place's, mainly the only snake that needs it is a GTP. On here you could get a bargain for $150-$250 and most pet shops its around $200-$400, I got mine for $270. The Children's python grows to 1m but there average is 75cm to 90cm, Spotted pythons are the biggest out of this group they grow up to 1.5m but average is 1.1m.
1. Childrens pythons are good to buy at hatchlings but some people like to go a bit bigger.
2. Hatchlings will happily live in a click clack for about 6-7 months and a adult would sit in a 3-4 ft tank long
3.Most people like to use malamine enclosures which is good to keep heat and humidity in.
4. a infared basking globe, or a ceremic heat emiter or even a heat mat. Use a heat mat under half a click clack. should i set it up?(temp,substrate,ventilation/humidity.etc.) sorry but i can not answer this one for temps and humidity. but for substrate you can use news paper, or even reptile bark and ventalation when you buy a enclosure they normaly come with vents.
6. No
7. 5-7 days for babies and 7-10 days for adults
8. sorry cant help on the humidity one.
9 $200-$250 from petshops or cheaper from breeders.
10. There are lots of pythos that are avalible and 1 of the biggests are the Olive python (liasis olivaceus), or even your coastal carpets.

Please anyone quote me if i got anything wrong on this.
i would say go the hatchling cos if ya not use to the idea of getting bitten by a snake at least you wont feel it for a while.

As for set up i run my spotted at about 30- 35 degrees on hot side and about 26 -28 on cool side. my temps could be a bit out i have had a bit of trouble with him. As for substrate i use an indoor outdoor carpet. ( My sister works at a carpet shop so she hoooked me up with some good deals that she might be able to pass on . . . bit of a plug there :p ) humididty in my enclosures average about 50 percent but i havent been told other wise just that it shouldnt get too high cos of scale rot and respiratory dramas ( i unfortunately found the latter out the hard way )

And again if anyone things this is wrong tell me so I can fix it.

I think the stimson python gets the biggest out of the anteresias but not sure just how big. Childrens i think are the smallest.
Stimsons are def the smallest growing between 90cm to 1 meter, Childrens are second smallest at a bit over a meter and Spotteds up to 1.5m.
Acturly the Children's is the 2nd smallest, the smallest is the Anthill. look it up. The 3rd is Stimpsons, and the largest is Spotted, hope that helped.
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