My Babies(the zoo)

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Those cats are soo cute!

I have always wanted a British Shorthair as I like rag dolls and Persians but never have the time to brush them. Notably yours are very well groomed ^_^


Cats are quite smart but easily distracted takes alot of patience but i can get both my girls to play fetch with a fake mouse. Have you taught your cats any tricks ?
hehe oddball..thats a funny story. my ragys are like that too!they are always inside, not that i make them coz If i new they were outside all the time and stalking birds and wildlife i would lock them in but these babys choose to stay inside, its that much of a struggle to even go to the toilet that they go right out the bedroom door in the pool area where theres a tiny garden bed which is/was my herb garden, they decided thats there spot. i came out one day and they completely covered my chives! with poo! lol. bless em. They truely have a gentle soul when we were living with my partners family, they had a pet cockateil that used to get on the kitchen bench and boss the cats around. as soon as the cats entered the kitchen the bird would squark,put its wings up and launch at the cats! the cats always ran for cover lol(maybe thats why they dont go outside)
Awww your dolls sound so gorgeous!
both of my cats (both had to stay with my mum when I moved out, they don't understand things like roads and bad people) are afraid of birds, we traumatised them a bit when they were kittens by leaving them in the backyard for 5 mins with a flock of noisy minors, and the lesson stuck. One of them still tries and stalks birds, like when we are feeding the lorikeets on the ground, but when she gets close enough to realise what it is, she has no idea what to do, and as soon as it fluffs up at her or squawks, she totally freaks out and runs as fast as she can in the opposite direction.

I don't think that some people realise that not all cats are killing machines, and that feral cats are not the same as domestic cats with responsible owners.
Both my fluffy babies go outside at night (because complications with desexing means one of them wets herself when she sleeps) but we have trained them not to catch birds or lizards, ONLY mice, locusts, and the occasional radioactive cockroach. Cats are easy to train if you put the effort in, and are very intelligent. Mocha knows the difference between what she is not allowed to catch and what is her job to catch.

LOL your poor chives!
drazzy, i grew up with persians all my life, there the hardest cat i know to maintain. i was going to get a scottish fold till i seen these babys and will never change i dont think(unless i go to the rspca next time)mine are groomed yes but no matter how muchgrooming you do, they will always come back to show you another knot they got 5 minutes later!constant brushing is te secret, but like i said. not even a grooming freak could maintain knots all the time. but yes they are looked after very well!dolly the fluffball is that hairy that when she cleans her maine she chokes on it!!so i have to trim her maine back lol or she has attacks with it in her mouth. i have taught my cats a few things.. well they have a "catnip garden" they go to when they feel in the mood and makes them high as a kite!they have little catnip pillows allover the house. zena (with the masked face) loves the bathroom heater. she hears it click and comes running!absolute hog!dolly can catch balls and catnip pillows in the air, and tap it back your way.. but thats about it.. there best trick is sleeping lol.
yeh its sad that so many (mostly males, no offence) humans hate cats. theres a huge difference between domestic and wild. i agree with wild cats, but as far as it goes with a responsible owner and a well trained cat theres nothing you can put us down for..that will never be realised though sadly:(
dolly was attcked by a rottwieler at 5 months old, nearly took her life, went through surgery and all. her back is still very touchy and she hates all dogs but our own two. i find dogs are more of the problem than cats
Shnakey, you're ragdolls are sooo beautiful!
thanks cassm.they get told that alot which is why there always flaunting it for the camera. especially dolly lol little tart
hi shnakey, ragdolls r the best cats and yours r gorgeous. i also have 2 ragdolls and there the best things to hug there so cuddly :) do u let yours outside or r they house cats?
thanks, frankii
dolly the fluffball is that hairy that when she cleans her maine she chokes on it!!

LOL poor cat.

Giving your cats some pumpkin in their wet food helps with furballs.

One year our persian Leah snuck out on a nice summer day and rolled around in burrs, the family had to give her a shave the next day, looked like a grumpy poodle; but I guess she was alot cooler :D

yeh its sad that so many (mostly males, no offence) humans hate cats. theres a huge difference between domestic and wild. i agree with wild cats, but as far as it goes with a responsible owner and a well trained cat theres nothing you can put us down for..that will never be realised though sadly

I am a male and love cats. Guess I go against the Stereotype, but so do my cats haha!

People say cats are a menace, but you can train out their "killer" instinct depending on their breed and personality, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can just let a cat outside without a bell on their collar and unmonitored.

When I use to breed snake food my cat Mimic use to lick the mice when she was on heat. (no idea why) Notably she didn't get along with the rats very well tho, as they bite her.
mine do get the chance to go outside during the day whenever they like, although they choose not to. they sleep all day. unless they gotta go loo.. on my herb garden! still not over that.
they are the best cats. zena sleeps with me under the blankets everynight shes soooo cuddly. yeh but thats part of having pets, cant afford them, dont get them.
pet shops are usually constant.. like every 3 days.. somtimes the bills $40 and other times its $300.. a couple of times ive nearly passed out. once was $700.. thats the biggest bill ive had to pay for.. thats not talking vet bills.. lucky my partner loves me:) she knows id be like a possessed child without my babys
pumpkin, i have heard somthing like that! thanks i will try.. butternut ok?i got hlf a butternut in the fridge i might chop a little bit up tonight.. i never hear or see her choke on furballs, just wen she cleans her maine and stretches her head up the hair is so long that no matter how high she stratches her neck up she always gets hair with her bot..(not that u prob want to know lol)but we have to trim her nickers around her bum coz she gets nuggets stuck in there lol. poor dolly shes the hairiest cat ive ever had, love her to bits. have to vacuum everyday coz all our animals have long hair lol (my fault though i love long hair animals)
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