First ever reptile eggs :)

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2011
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Aberdare NSW
Our female Pogona henrylawsoni has been looking very chunky over the last week or so, we have been occasionally gently feeling her to see how far along she is and only yesterday did we feel the first lump. We came home today to find she had covered up the hole she had dug in her nesting tub and was looking very deflated, needless to say my wife and I were very pleased.... That is until I realised that the heat cord and thermostat I have ordered haven't arrived yet and I obviously haven’t got the incubator sorted out or temps right for that matter.

Anyway I set up a tub with moist critter crumbles in it and rigged up a spare thermostat and heat cord as a make shift incubator (It's not ideal I know but it's the best I can do for a few days and I have hatched out a clutch of beardies (with permission ofc.) with 100% success rate a few years ago with this method.).

I was expecting to find maybe six eggs max as this is her first clutch (She's three I have waited till this year to breed her as I didn't want to rush it and risk putting her in danger.). We dug up 1 egg with nothing around it, I was still happy... Then we kept digging thinking that for her size that couldn't be the only egg and found three more (YAY!)... Oh wait there’s more, the poor girl laid eleven healthy looking eggs on her first go!

She had a nice big meal of veggies and roaches, and the wife and I are feeling very happy for ourselves :)

Now to wait for the womas who I am thinking should be another two weeks or so, I WILL have everything set up for them. I'm a little ashamed that I didn't realise how far along our beardie was but this is our first time and I won't be making that mistake again!

Congrats mate. Hope it all goes well for you.
congrats on the eggs!, be sure to post pics once they hatch!
Thanks folks, I will be sure to put pics up once heads start to emerge :)
They are due to hatch on Monday and I can't wait.

I'm starting to think that I may need to separate the male and the female, she laid her third clutch yesterday making it 3 clutches in 44 days and I don't want to put too much strain on her body. Any thoughts on this from people who have bred them before?

- - - Updated - - -

Any ideas anyone, I know they can multi clutch I just want to know if having too many is bad for their health. She is still looking quite healthy so I'm thinking it will be fine.
They started to hatch bang on due date, excuse the crummy pics they were taken on my phone.


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Pre bed update: two out of eggs, another head poking out. And one egg wobbling. They are pretty darn cute, still in the tub for 24 hours but they are warning me off by gaping their mouths.

It's amazing they have defence mechanisms from the moment they are out of the egg. The parents were the same when young and now they come to the door of the enclosure when we approach. They are pretty rewarding to keep, you get to watch their personalities develop and change.
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