Do the drikers ever jam on or leak?
Have had one leak this week, but the tank never has more capacity then 20lt so there is no way one tub can fill with water.
Do the drikers ever jam on or leak?
Do you give the rats more than just pellets? A lactating mother needs more than just pellets to remain healthy especially if she is up the duff every month.
Do you give the rats more than just pellets? A lactating mother needs more than just pellets to remain healthy especially if she is up the duff every month.
Have had one leak this week, but the tank never has more capacity then 20lt so there is no way one tub can fill with water.
You are ahead of me! I was going to say the header tanks look a little big for four tubs. WE try to only provide one days water so if they flood it minimises drowning.
Drill small holes in the tubs. That way if a leak occurs the rats dont drown.
I just dont see how the rats can eat their fill of food when the pellets are sitting on top of the wire, instead of being able to grasp it in their hands. It must be hard to take bites out of a pellet that doesn't keep still???
Not having a go at your design or anything, Hsut77.
Just wondering Jewly,why you give the mothers slightly warm water with sugar mixed in,is their any benefits in doing this.
The problem is that if a drinker on the top row jams it wets the tub below. We had about 500 drikers of three different types nd would get about a flood a week mainly from bedding ( a piece of wood shaving) getting caught in the nozzle.
I just ordered some stainless steal rat sippers from Multiquip yesterday. $2.65 each plus shipping. Pretty sure they're in Australia... need to go and find some tubing though, already got a bunch of 20L buckets free from work.
I can't see any reason for providing female rats with anything other than dry rat pellets, I have been breeding rats for years and never had a problem. By all means supplement their diet but they don't NEED it.