Silverzine and CBD's

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Very Well-Known Member
May 31, 2006
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melbourne, vic
Just a quick question.
Lucius, one of my female CBD's has injured her back foot and looks like she could possibly lose her toes. I've spoken with the vet and he has recommended metacam at 0.4mg/kg and applying Silverzine and a bandage.
I've never heard of using Silverzine on reps, is it ok?
My vet is still learning about reps, but he does a great job.
I always thought Silverzine was for burns? But I know that it saved my ex-husbands face when he (was sober at the time!!) tripped into a huge fire he'd lit and burnt the skin off 3/4 of his face. No scarring or anything... (Grrr.)
I've heard of it being used on snakes before with good results, unfortunately this iisn't first hand experience but it came from a vet I have a healthy respect for.
I know it's good stuff, just never heard of it being used for skin injuries. But after doing a google (shold've done that i've found that it is a very good topical antibiotic for skin injuries.
Lol google is the answer to everything dontcha know? It's how I found out all about Xenu and Thetans (and the flying spahetti monster!) :D

I should've been more specific though, the vet said it had been used to treat skin injuries in snakes.
I went to my chemist once to get Silverzine, cant remember what for, but they told me i needed a script for it.
Lol... I think we LIVE for Google these days!! Well I hope it works, good luck and let us know how it goes!!

Oh & my other half used it on friction burns too.

I went to my Chemist to get it too. I don't know why 'here and there' is, but my Chemist told me I should have a script, but as I was 'going camping and wanted it incase of an ACCIDENT' he would allow me to have a small tube. Lol. I ALWAYS have Silverzine in my fridge these days... I have children that love FIRE and HEAT... Burns are commonplace. No matter WHAT I do!!
Silvazine is often recommended for reptiles as it has particularly good effect on Pseudomonas organisms - common bacterial organisms in reptile wounds and dangerous contaminants of human burns. Being water soluble it has a wide range of uses from skin wounds to corneal ulcers in reptiles. It doesn't however penetrate deeply so would not be used alone for an injured foot. Your vets suggestion of metacam is an excellent choice. I would suggest systemic antibiotics in combination with the topical silvazine as bone infection is quite common in these types of injuries.
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