Flagyl-How Long

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I had to use it and I had to give it orally every second day for a week if that helps :?
I have seen results from flagyl within hours of giving it to our bearded dragon. I gave it to her orally and repeated the dose in 7 days. This was for treating diahhroea and a sad looking little girl. One dose of that stuff and she bounced back really fast - in about an hour her colours were coming back, she ate like it was her last feed. Very happy with the results with this medication.
If given to a snake it should be given again after a 2 week period if needed.
If the animal is feeding, inject it into the food not on it. Dose at 1ml per kg.
If given to a snake it should be given again after a 2 week period if needed.
If the animal is feeding, inject it into the food not on it. Dose at 1ml per kg.

Thats the dosage i am using,i just wanted to know how long it takes to work.:)
All except for one are getting it in there food.
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