wanted reptiles

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richardsc thanks for your apinoin but next time id word it a littel dif lol
my scrub was sold about a month ago becuase of my changing home life
he was 6 foot and i had him from a hatchi
richardsc if your going to take the piss please dont post on this thred and keep your thoughts to yourself. As i said iv owned a scrub before i have had plenty of exsperence how would u no my Circumstances and obsivly if im getting thease types of animals im not faint of hart. in responce to your Q inthegrass yer its a bit of boath haha

You obviously know what you're doing, with your many years of experiace. So silly of someone to question you. Richard, shame on you ;)
No-two haha m8 you’re such a comedian

Oh no you're too kind. Thankyou though, I do try, I've many years of expericne, hence my "funnyness". I'll make you a deal though, how's about you teach me all there is to know about reptiles (Cause I'm sure "You're the man") And I'll teach you a bit about comedy.Deal?
Can i join one of your comedy classes no-two?

Sorry bud, only for people that can teach me a thing or two about reptiles back. We've had many of pro's come through here, from the likes of snake adict, notechistiger, and soon to join the ranks mpeel here.
Oh no you're too kind. Thankyou though, I do try, I've many years of expericne, hence my "funnyness". I'll make you a deal though, how's about you teach me all there is to know about reptiles (Cause I'm sure "You're the man") And I'll teach you a bit about comedy.Deal?

haha m8 yet again you amaze me with your whit
were did u get that i new everything about reptiles i said iv had exsperince with scrub pythons (probly not enough if i may add) . your a moron seriously get a life
haha m8 yet again you amaze me with your whit
were did u get that i new everything about reptiles i said iv had exsperince with scrub pythons (probly not enough if i may add) . your a moron seriously get a life

I'll put it on my "wanted" list.
haha m8 yet again you amaze me with your whit
were did u get that i new everything about reptiles i said iv had exsperince with scrub pythons (probly not enough if i may add) . your a moron seriously get a life

Wow, nice backfIip you have there mate, a regular gymnast!

Now now guys, hows about we all sit back and learn from this acrobatic know it all who didnt seem to know where to put his wanted post in the first place hey ;)

Seriously, i hope you get what your after and that the scrubbies / laceys arent beyond your capabilities, i'd hate to see some nice animals perish because a keeper didnt realise they would beyond their limits.
Yeah, try Southern Cross Reptiles... But is is easier to get young juvies/hatchies than older animals. Also try The Herp Shop's Herp Trader... And other sponsors on this site, including people who are wanting to sell their stock in the FOR SALE forum.

Oh & mpeel- you aren't supposed to swear in your posts, otherwise a Moderator may come and give you a nice pm!!! Lol.

Come on guys... Remember what being 16 is like?? I hope mpeel knows exactly what they are doing, and if not... Well they will soon regret it. Just hope mpeel is not striking at a dream, as otherwise the animals will suffer. All those great hormones racing through the bod... And the need for adreneline. And not to forget the attitude!!!! Hoooo yeah. Self-esteem thingy too... Ahhh, not a hope in heck I would ever be 16 again!!!

Even if I could!!! lmao!!
i could easily be 16 again,infact my maturity level is yet to reach 16,lol,sorry max,my reply caused a bit of a stirr,that wasnt my intention,your dammed if you do and dammed if you dont sometimes on here,i for one think its great that 16 year olds ect are into reptiles,alot better than alot of the youth of today get into,well the youth of the past to,my point was out of concern for the animals well being,and your own,the joy of reptiles is you can keep what interests you,and theres such an array of species to choose from,end of the day doesnt matter what others say,its what you want,so if you heart is set on it,by all means go for it,also if you arent happy with certain responses its best to just reply to the ones that suit you,good luck max
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