Keeping Bredlis together

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hi guys,

I've read many various opinions on keeping snakes together. Some experienced keepers say they have done so for many years without any issue whilst others say they would not do it because the risk is too high. I am considering getting a male yearling this year (I currently have a female that will be a year old in 5 days time) and I have a 4x2x2 enclosure at the moment that is currently being set-up. In your opinions, from past experience rather than hearsay, would it be risky putting 2 yearlings in an enclosure of that size together? They will both obviously have separate hides etc and will be fed separately. Any information would be helpful - you guys have been great so far and I have learnt much from the people here at APS!


i have 2 almost yearling females living together atm, seems to be working well.

that being said theve been together siince i got them, and i probably will seperate them once they stop following each other everywhere,..

dont know if i'd risk putting 2 yearlings together, mine were still hatchy size when i got them.

i feed them at the same time, but on different stools, and give them a bath before they go back into their enclosure.


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i have 2 almost yearling females living together atm, seems to be working well.

that being said theve been together siince i got them, and i probably will seperate them once they stop following each other everywhere,..

dont know if i'd risk putting 2 yearlings together, mine were still hatchy size when i got them.

i feed them at the same time, but on different stools, and give them a bath before they go back into their enclosure.

OH MY GOD that is the freaking CUTEST picture ever!!!
OH MY GOD that is the freaking CUTEST picture ever!!!

thanks! :)
theyre in a similar yet slighlty different position every mornign when i wake up, makes thinking about seperating them really hard! :)
thanks! :)
theyre in a similar yet slighlty different position every mornign when i wake up, makes thinking about seperating them really hard! :)

Yeah while they are SO CLEARLY loving it, don't seperate them! Wait til you need to... It is just gorg!
hehe, yeah, thats what i'm thinking! :)

they even hang out together outside in the grevillia bush,..!! :)


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Oh they are so sweet, like little Siamese twins!

OT - but have your pythons ever interacted with your beardies?

I'm thinking, can I have Custard the beardie on the couch while hubby has Noodle out? A metre or more away?
I have 2 female Darwins that are 14months old,they have been living together all their lives,the person i got them from said hes keeped them together,so ive left them together,ive had no issues at all,Doesnt mean that it wont.....
Putting two snakes together makes it harder to look after. Putting them together means quarantine will be null, you can't tell who did what crap, they may fight, they will stress, one may even eat the other.

Keeping them separate will eliminate all of these entirely.

dailyskin, most pythons can and do eat lizards. It's like putting a rat and a python together.
Loki my 3 year old bredli cruises right over the top of my beardies when tehyre snoozing on the beanbag, he seems to like the roughness,.... has a bit of a sniff but doesnt go into feedign mode :)

he lay on the bean bag with them for about 40 mins a while ago, till he was warm enough and moved on, a couple of the beardies didnt like having him on top so got out and sat on top of him instead.

was very sute, would have gotten a pic, but there was no way i was leaving them like that unsupervised and out of arms reach. :)

tehy can be out together,...just under very close supervision.
tehy can be out together,...just under very close supervision.

Yeah they would always be held seperately by seperate people! Never left alone or near each other!

Also. Noodle is The Most Placid snake ever. Like, chilled like he's smoked an ounce.
Yeah they would always be held seperately by seperate people! Never left alone or near each other!

Also. Noodle is The Most Placid snake ever. Like, chilled like he's smoked an ounce.

lol, guess hes got a pretty bad cough too then,..! :)
You're better to err on the side of caution. Keeping them seperate means there's no issues to worry about. I've kept animals together before. For the most part there were no problems but that doesn't mean there was no potential for things to go wrong. I no longer house any of my snakes together.There are potential risks keeping them together. There are no such risks keeping them housed alone. Simple :)
:|sorry to go off the topic a bit but can you house stimmies together
i have 2 almost yearling females living together atm, seems to be working well.

that being said theve been together siince i got them, and i probably will seperate them once they stop following each other everywhere,..

dont know if i'd risk putting 2 yearlings together, mine were still hatchy size when i got them.

i feed them at the same time, but on different stools, and give them a bath before they go back into their enclosure.

that is still the cutest pic i have ever seen
I too have kept snakes together, but only from hatchies, or snakes that were already housed together. I guess the risk with two yearlings who've never met would be higher, but I guess you can only try, supervise, wait and see ^_^
You might get a bunch of posts saying its fine (seems to be mostly people who've never even kept adults),
fewer people want to admit they've had a bad experience..
Ive seen Adult female carpets "attack" one another, for no apparent reason (no food in the vicinity).

Hey at the end of the day, you for what ever reason obviously want to do it..
But google the word quarantine, that would probably be the real issue here.
Nearly lost a Brown Tree Snake that was housed with it's 'mate' and had been, theoretically happily, for 6 years. One day, she up and started to swallow him. Lucky for him I decided to take a walk into the room they were being kept in and noticed something looking a bit odd in the cage, so looked harder.

She had swallowed at least half of him when I found them and when I touched her she started regurgitating him. I thought he was dead, but then he moved a little. Washed the saliva (and stomach juices) off him and put him in a quiet tub and he recovered.

They are now housed separately. Not going to risk that again. I might not be lucky enough to notice in time next time.
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