feeding baby stimsons

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
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hey i recently had 4 baby stimsons hatch. they hatched on the 5 of january this year.. they have all had there prelay shed and have all been offered a feed twice. all they do is look at the mouse pinky smell it and then slither away. i have tried teasing them with the pinky and tapping there bodys with it but nothing seems to interest them..

i was just woundering if any one had any helpfill tips?

and also if anyone knew how long until i should try force feeding them with mouse tails?

any hel and or advise would be greatly appreciated..


try pinky rats my baby stimi wouldnt touch pinky mice but soon as pinky rat was offerd she jumped on it
Mine wouldn't take frozens, but all took live pinkies.

Then a couple later I switched them to non-live.

try pinky rats my baby stimi wouldnt touch pinky mice but soon as pinky rat was offerd she jumped on it
:shock: I don`t know how big your hatchy stimmie is but mine sure as hell won`t squeeze down a pinky rat :shock:
they hatched on the 5 of january this year.. they have all had there prelay shed

I noticed that too , bit young to be in PRElay sheds ....:D

Dont panic yet , they will eat when ready ...
try a few more times with live pinkies , then try chicken down , quail feathers ....there a heap of threads like this with good tips
I certainly would not be force feeding them any time soon , maybe assist feeding down the track , but at around 3 weeks there is no need to panic IMO
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