MD Carpet Python

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Jan 21, 2009
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Hi all,

I am new to this and just was chasing some extra info on a Murray Darling Python.
I will be getting an MD as my first snake hopefully soon.
I am going to make my own enclosure. First thing is what size should I make it??? I would like to make it big enough to house a full grown adult, so I don't have to make another one as quickly. Secondly, what sort of heating, enclosure accessories and lighting would the MD need???
I was also chasing some info (like a care sheet) for the MD???
Any help would be much appreciated.

You will need to start off with a small enclosure or plastic tub first. Young snakes tend to feel more safe and secure when in a smaller space.
There is heaps of info on md's and building enclosures on the site, just use the search feature, and you will find all the info you are looking for.
Dont need light for snakes, just heat. And coincidentaly, MD's arent as placid as they say. Mine is friggin insane.
HI there Desta, good choice IMO, i have a MD and he is very placid.

If you are buying a hatchling i would house it in a click clack (i didnt though my 6 month went straight into an enclosure, he is now 1 year old)
My enclosure is approx 90x48x48 ( i will have upgrade later tho) i have a 75 watt heat lamp, a fluro and lots of hides and fake plants.

when do you get your new Python?

Cheers guys, thanks for the quick responses.

I was thinking as a first python I was probably not going to get a hatchling as I have heard they are heaps of work and I obviously don't have any experience as yet. I thought it would be good to get a python that is already feeding to start with at least.

If I do get a hatchling how long should it be kept in a click clack or small enclosure??? At what age can I put it into the enclosure I am constructing from melamine???

When I construct my enclosure though (after the python has gone through the click clack stage) can it go straight to a large tank or does it need an intermediate size between the click clack and an adult size tank.
Also should the tank be higher than it is long for an MD??? I was thinking of constructing 1200 high by 900 long by 800 deep. Would that be suitable for an MD adult???

Don't have exact dates on the purchase of the python just yet.

Probably have more questions later, but thanks again.

Hi Desta
Cheers guys, thanks for the quick responses.

I was thinking as a first python I was probably not going to get a hatchling as I have heard they are heaps of work and I obviously don't have any experience as yet. I thought it would be good to get a python that is already feeding to start with at least.

Mine was 6 months old when i got mine, and wasn't any trouble. IMO a gold fish is more work...If you get one that is already eating you should be fine.

If I do get a hatchling how long should it be kept in a click clack or small enclosure??? At what age can I put it into the enclosure I am constructing from melamine???

I have read you should leave in its click clack until its a year old, however when i brought mine home in its little take away container, i popped the container inside the enclosure, with the lid off, and let the snake decide when i wants to come out. He spent the night in the container but by morning he was out and sitting in his hide.

When I construct my enclosure though (after the python has gone through the click clack stage) can it go straight to a large tank or does it need an intermediate size between the click clack and an adult size tank.
Also should the tank be higher than it is long for an MD??? I was thinking of constructing 1200 high by 900 long by 800 deep. Would that be suitable for an MD adult???

Yes i believe it should be higher than is longer as they love to climb, when my little guy is out he is always trying to reach for the fans (new rule, fans go off when snake is out hehe)
I have known someone to go from a click clack to the bigger enclosure (one that will last its adult life)and i believe they did the same as me, popped the click clack inside the enclosure and again let the snake decide when it wants to come out.
I am not sure of the size of their enclosure tho, i think its smaller than what you are thinking of building.
I don't think you would want the enclosure too big as the snake will feel insecure. However I'm sure someone else will come along to confirm if its a good size or not :)

sadly I'm no expert as i have only had my MD for 6 months so i can only tell you what i have been told or read myself.

have fun!

Don't have exact dates on the purchase of the python just yet.

Probably have more questions later, but thanks again.

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To use a click clack or not, depends on the individual.............. we got a girl and a boy almost at the same time. My girl went into a four foot long enclosure straight away, no click clack. she was happy to roam and explore - spent very little time in her hide and was happy to be handled. This isn't to say it would work for everyone, there are as many different temperament in the herp world as there are in human.......................
Just take it day by day and watch how well your little one adapts. I doubt there would be a need for an intermediate enclosure. Introduce yours to its new big home when you think it's ready for it, and take it from there.

Good luck, you've made a brilliant choice of first snake. Theyre gorgeous creatures!!!!! (Love all the others too, but these hold a special place in my heart!!)
Great choice the MD!! I love Snakey and haven't regretted getting him!

When I got Snakey, I kept him in a click clack until he was around 11months as he was very timid. He was then introduced to the adult sized enclosure (100cm tall x 80cm wide x 50 cm deep, this is what I was told was fine for an adult, but I would say that this would be the minimum size for an adult MD) I introduced him by putting the click clack in there with the lid off. When he had been out in the enclosure and not returned to the click clack for several nights, I then took it away. Because Snakey is placid to the state of being shy, I've had to make sure there were plenty of places for him to hide and feel secure. I put lots of artificial plants in there, giving him a nice choice of places and temperature zones to rest in. He has two great branches to climb on..and yes, they LOVE to climb!

In my enclosure I am currently running a 100watt 'Oz White' ceramic with a basic thermostat.
Btw there is a great social group on this site, started by Danni, called "The Murray Darlings". You can connect with owners and lovers of MDs and view some nice photos
I was waiting for you to reply Sly... what took you so long? lol.

Desta dont forget to show us pics when you get your new MD.
A hatchling should not be too much work for you if the breeder has done the right thing. Although moving them can upset their appetites for a couple weeks, if the youngens were well established feeders before they were sold you should not have too much hassles in getting them going. Other than that I can't think of anything else that would make them more work than an older animal.
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