Central beardies with sores on belly

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
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Hi all, i have recently noticed a couple of small sores on one of my central's belly,s to tail area. But today i noticed there is a lot more and the other one now has a few too. They are only the size of a pin head, not open just look like the scale is swollen and yellow in colour. I am takin to the vet on mon but am just seeing if any ones knowes what this is or how to treat it? Any help with what could have coursed it or how to treat it would be much great, thanks!
Could be yellow fungus. Hopefully it hasn't spread to far if it is fungus.
i will try and get pics, cant at the moment cause i am not home and doing this on my phone. They live outside, it has been been very wet lately but they have a number of dry spots to go to, and i have a tarp when it gets really bad, but they never seem to want to be in the dry areas, prefering to sit in the rain. If it is a fungis how do i treat it?
thought it sounded like a problem from a damp enclosure. think you can use benadine (not sure of the spelling) but please check with a vet before using
Bedatine wash, bring them inside if you haven't, and go to the vet (which you are)
Does it look like this?

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Not really, all her colour is the same as normal, has not changed apart from there little sore's on her belly, nothing on the top of her body, just underneath, if that makes sense, that photo looks like between alll its scales are a yellow, she doesn't look like that
Sounds like fungus so she will need to see the vet.

Not really, all her colour is the same as normal, has not changed apart from there little sore's on her belly, nothing on the top of her body, just underneath, if that makes sense, that photo looks like between alll its scales are a yellow, she doesn't look like that
Yeah i have been talkin to a vet just now. Betadine bath is up for tomorrow, what about sprayin the pit in f10 to treat the cage? What else can i do to disinfect it as it is a large outdoor cage with rocks, timber, logs, plants etc?
Do you have an indoor enclosure you could move him too for a while?
Yeah i will set something up for them to stay in until this is cleared up. Will keep you posted how things go, thanks for all the help guys!
ok finally got some photos before i gave them a betadine bath (they really are good girls, one just fell asleep in my hand in the bath!) don't know if this will help but they are both very active, eating like troopers and have put weight on in the last 3 weeks or so (they laid this season so were a bit thin from that but have put all of it back on) so whatever this is does not seem to be affecting their overall health. as you can see in the pics the yellowness is only around the little sores, not all over which is what i am lead to believe it would be if it was yellow fungus?? maybe this is another form, im not sure, but am off to the vet as soon as i can. any more advice would be appreciated. they are now in a fish tank with two sections so are seperated, have nothing but newspaper in there with a small water and food containers.



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Definately looks like an infection of some sort, keep up the betadine but get her to a vet asap as that dosn't look good at all.
and it seems to spread fast, it was only about 3 or 4 days ago it was only 1 or 2 little spots, then i got the shock of my life to see her like that, i first thought she had just scratched herself on something rough and was keeping an eye on it to make sure it healed up ok, but it must be something else, hoping to get to the vet tomorrow or tues.
yeah me too! but as i said they are still running around and eating heaps so i take that as a good sign, will keep everyone posted!
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