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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hey guys and gals,

I was wondering if any of you have ever bought a snake and had it freighted to you? Did the snake/lizard/ come to you in a good way? Was it ever dead? Was ever it sick and heavily invested with mites?

Also, do any of you know how to freight the snake. Would it be in a cardboard box with no food or water? What about heating?

Sorry about all these questions, I'm just curious.

Hey guys and gals,

I was wondering if any of you have ever bought a snake and had it freighted to you? I have freighted Geckos, not snakes, yet I have seen what they are in when Freighting.
Did the snake/lizard/ come to you in a good way? My geckos were absolutely fine, a little nervous, but good.
Was it ever dead? Nope, they are still eating and going well fine.
Was ever it sick and heavily invested with mites? Nope.

Also, do any of you know how to freight the snake.
Would it be in a cardboard box with no food or water? A snake would most probably be in a sack, like a pillow case or the like. The seller should feed the snake before the snake is sold/put on the plane, water shouldn't be to much of a problem for a short flight or whatever, just make sure it has water at its new home.
What about heating? I think that AAE or who ever you are freighting with would have a seperate room type thing for reptiles, which should be kept at a good temperature, not to hot, not to cold.

Sorry about all these questions, I'm just curious.


Hope that helps ya mate:)
Someone may correct me yet.
I had my Bredli freighted to me in Melbourne from South Australia. She was in a calico bag, then in shredded paper in a foam box inside a cardbaord box.

She was not fed before travel, so basically went to sleep and was in a tight little ball and I rolled her out when we got home.

Considering she'd been confined to a small space in the dark for a whole day or so she was pretty good. No mites, not sick or anything. She may have been a little cranky, but wouldn't you. She was in a new place, but after a couple of days had settled great!!
I was wondering if any of you have ever bought a snake and had it freighted to you? Yes . From Melbourne

Did the snake/lizard/ come to you in a good way? Yes

Was it ever dead? No

Was ever it sick and heavily invested with mites? No

Also, do any of you know how to freight the snake.
Would it be in a cardboard box with no food or water? Mine was in a Small Cotton Snake bag, inside a Polystyrene box, which had shredded paper inside to minimise the movement. And placeinside another Carboard Box... Air holes placed for breathing of Course.... I wouldnt feed just prior to sending one though, at least a few days prior, give it time to digest a lil bit.

What about heating? Not required for such a short flight...
I have never had it done cos I was concerned about how it would be done. Also better to see a it in the flesh then to trust a breeder you've never met. Has anyone ever received something different to what they ordered. i.e. different colour/pattern/health issues
I have over 50 herps and have had 99.9% freighted from every state/territory but WA & TAS - never had a problem :) I have also freighted my own herps with no problem either.
They have come in a range of containers from ply boxes to systema tubs. Usually geckos are in takeaway type containers in a bigger box of some description whereas snakes come in a calico bag in a container which sometimes within another container. It all depends on the seller and also how laid back their local AAE is.
I have also used hobbo for more local deliveries - if you live on his route, I'd definitely recommend him.
Hey guys and gals,

I was wondering if any of you have ever bought a snake and had it freighted to you? Did the snake/lizard/ come to you in a good way? Was it ever dead? Was ever it sick and heavily invested with mites?

Also, do any of you know how to freight the snake. Would it be in a cardboard box with no food or water? What about heating?

Sorry about all these questions, I'm just curious.

Hi Snakebuster

As you may notice from my sig i own and run a pet transport business (mainly reptiles ;)) this is a Road Transport Service

i cant answer of any other company but As far as im aware

1. ALL the reptiles i have transported have arrived in a good way
2. ZERO dead on arrival
3. No mites that im aware of.
4. All reptiles are handed to me in a calico bag / pillow cover. Smaller animals ie: hatchie snakes,small dragons and geckos in a large take-away container and then put into one of my own tubs and filled with shredded newspaper and secured to a shelf for their security
5. NO food or water needed
6. NO heating required

Hope this helps

Hey guys and gals,

I was wondering if any of you have ever bought a snake and had it freighted to you?Yep , many times
Did the snake/lizard/ come to you in a good way?Yes always arrives in good condition
Was it ever dead?No
Was ever it sick and heavily invested with mites? No

Also, do any of you know how to freight the snake. Best way is to ring Hobbs , he has tubs so all you need is a bag and he does the rest
Would it be in a cardboard box with no food or water?Plastic / wooden contanier , no food or water
What about heating?no need for a day or so

Sorry about all these questions, I'm just curious.No probs


Hope that is some help
have freighted snakes myself and they were said to have arrived healthy
have had pythons freighted to me and have arrived safe and healthy
arrive and sent in a pillow case or sock surrounded in paper in a click clack with air holes then taped up and sent'.
and i have used Australian Air Express
Not much experiance with freighting, but hopefully by the end of the year I would have tried it out ;)
I've freighted to and from quite a few times and never had a serious issue.Very occasionally they may arrive late or get held up/ misplaced. This is a rare occurrance though.
When i moved from darwin to melbourne, I had to organise import and export permits from the respective states. I then contacted the airline who directed me to Australian Air Express. I placed my Darwin in a small sack, and then placed him into a tupperware container with holes punched in the lid. I then taped up the lid with tape so no one would be tempted to open it. And then displayed the permits on the outside. All went well with no dramas. As for getting the reptile sent by someone else, I couldnt comment. You would have to make sure they knew what they were doing before you commit to purchasing the reptile. Its not a hard process to freight a reptile, just a few legal / common sence matters to adhere too. The biggest one is the import / export permits.
I recently got a Water Python freighted down it was in tip top condition! its going really well no dramas what so ever!
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