Water Dragon Problem!!! need help!!!

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Not so new Member
Oct 31, 2007
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My water dragon has got a lump on his right rear hip. I am hoping its not a bone disease is there anything else it could be? His tank has been kept clean at the right temperature and humidity. Also lately he has started shuttering every now n then does anyone know what could be the cause of that?

well thats a bit of a problem there are no reptile vets around where i am they are at least 5 hours away. i was sorta hoping someone would know something i could do at home???
not for a growth like that an ex- of mine wasnt giveing her bluie calcium (despite what i told her) and the same thing happen. dont know exactly what it is but i know it ends up paraliseing them and is directly linked to not giveing them calcium.

chances are the vet would tell you to give it calcium and hope it doesnt paralize its back legs or get any worse but i wouldnt hold your breath.


but keep your fingers crossed get some calcium in there with the vitamins and hope for the best. and get him to a vet when you can to make sure it isnt a tumor.
ok thanks 4 the help i'll go down tomorrow and get calcium and look aroung for vets.
and hope 4 the best thanks again!
take him to the pet shop if they have herps they should also have somebody who knows what they are talking about more than i do and seeing it will aid in a positive diagnosis. as we are all going on decription.
If you don't provide calcium, as the dragon grows it starts to obsorb\take in calcium from it's own bones, causing the defficiency. MBD

What I have always been curious of, is that in the wild, where do they find the calcium they so thrive on for growth and health??

Hope he gets better.
What I have always been curious of, is that in the wild, where do they find the calcium they so thrive on for growth and health?? Hope he gets better.

Same place they find the bleached branches, bok choy and synthetic grass.

No seriously, I think because in captivity they don't get the same benefits of sun exposure that they do in the wild, therefore require the calcium supplement?
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