Well-Known Member
Hello all,
This is just an idea, but I'm curious. Could you keep eastern blueys with central beardies? I love them both, and since they eat the same and require the same accessories, why not keep them together? One problem though.
I'm not sure what eastern blueys like as a basking temp.:? I've got my beardie, his basking temp is about 35-38.8) The cool end is around 25-28. [The rock below the lamp get pretty hot after a while, so I move it often. The lamp is one of those red ones, and its 80 watts.] I don't think eastern blueys like it that hot.
Is that true? If it is, how would blotched blueys go? Are blotchies illegal in VIC?
Sorry for all these questions. As I said, I'm just curious, and I need some help from the experienced reptile owners!!
Thanks heaps,
This is just an idea, but I'm curious. Could you keep eastern blueys with central beardies? I love them both, and since they eat the same and require the same accessories, why not keep them together? One problem though.
Sorry for all these questions. As I said, I'm just curious, and I need some help from the experienced reptile owners!!
Thanks heaps,