My beardie

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello all,

I just got my central bearded dragon hatchling!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I named it "Bowser"!!:)
I will post pics of him later.;) There is one problem though. The only thing he seems to want to eat is crickets, crickets and more crickets! I have some pellets in there,
mixed with apple-blackcurrant juice, but he hasn't touched them.:( Nor has he touched any of the bits of carrot, corn or broccoli I put in there [ I change them every now and then ].

Please help!!
Let him have the crickets. He will begin to explore other foods when he is ready. Our beardy ate nothing but crickets for the first 12 months. It wasn't until we watched her trying to eat the green bits on our tablecloth that we realised she is ready to try other things. Now she is eating everything - all kinds of bugs, her pellets soaked in water, fresh fruit, veges, occasionally we give her non-fishy catfood but have found Whiskas gives her the runs, and also roo meat. She loves it.

Be patient with your baby and don't panic because he won't try other things. Actually we use to handfeed our beardy the crickets rather than putting heaps in her tank for her to chase them. She got so use to the feeder tongs that if she saw them she'd be there waiting. We started putting softened pellets on them and she'd eat them too but only off the tongs. Now she has a bowl to help herself. She still chases the feeder tongs even though we now give her the fun of chasing the bugs herself :D

When she first started eating fresh foods, for a long time there I actually grated them for her so they were soft for her to chew up. Probably didn't need it but I can't help spoiling our animals with doing too much for them. I have 3 pythons now living outside and I still go out and pick them up and put them in their hidebox on cool raining nights. My pythons are nocturnal and they only come back out and go back to where they were but I just have to make sure they are fine.
Broccolli isn't a great staple either - can you try him with Bok Choi? Atticus LOVES it, has right from 8 weeks!
Geez, everybody knows Bearded Dragons don't eat Bearded Dragon pellets!!!! ;) lol, nah, I know, some do, but it's a minority.. stick to the insects and plower petals / clover when young.
I feed my hatchies only on clover and dandelion petals ( pulled from the flower), both are light and easily digestable. I never feed "heavy" vegies like carrot, broccoli ect untill they are much larger.
Yes you can.. but softer foods for babies are much better (bok choy,endive etc)

Can you feed a central bearded dragon [ scientific name: Pogona vitticeps ] apple????
My adults eat a bit of everything, love peas and dandelions. But my new boy wont eat anything in front of me. I tried him in a box with crickets, he just tries to escape. Then I tired him in a tub with the crickets in his enclosure, still tries to escape. I also tried holding crickets with tweezers he just shuts his eyes.

I know he's eating something because he's pooping, just not sure what, so it's hard to keep track of what items with calcium he's eaten. I'm just throwing a few crickets in his enclosure with him, and have his greens available all the time. I've never had this problem with a beardie, will he grow out of it?
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