What do people use for smelly tank?

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Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
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I have a terranium that I keep 2 Bearded dragons in, I clean it every weekend. I made the mistake of leaving crickets in there for a period of time(which helped with the smell). I used to use newspaper on the floor, but I changed it to felt fake grass(crickets were hiding in the newspaper). I changed all the wood to rocks & I use Reptile cage cleaner to clean the tank.
It seems like the smell is stuck in the room, does anyone know what I can use to get rid of the smell, without harming the beardies?
Thanks in advance, James.
Lose the fake grass.Thats most likely what is holding the smell.
A good thorough scrubbing with soapy water is all it takes for my snake tanks, but if you clean it thoroughly every week then not sure....
the tank doesn't leak does it? if urates have soaked into carpet then that could explain it. Also if it did get very smelly at one point things like carpet and curtains can absorb the smell and slowly release it over a long time.

Also as Ramsayi said the fake grass is prob absorbing stuff and remains smelly. I had the same prob with outdoor carpet.
A good thorough scrubbing with soapy water is all it takes for my snake tanks, but if you clean it thoroughly every week then not sure....
the tank doesn't leak does it? if urates have soaked into carpet then that could explain it. Also if it did get very smelly at one point things like carpet and curtains can absorb the smell and slowly release it over a long time.

Also as Ramsayi said the fake grass is prob absorbing stuff and remains smelly. I had the same prob with outdoor carpet.

Thanks bredli84 & Ramsayi,
I only just put the carpet in, & I will be taking it straight back out:).
bredli84, you are 100% right with my carpets, furniture & curtains, they have retained the smell. The actual tank doesn't smell, it's the bl*&dy room itself.
Do you think febreeze would be safe to use on carpets & furniture, without harming the dragons.(well ventilated, while doing).
Thanks, James.
Jimmy read the specs on the febreeze - if its a low irritant and says it is safe around pets then it most likely wouldn't harm your reptiles. I use Glen 20 in my rodent tubs and have sprayed it generally around my house without any adverse effects on my reptiles. I haven't tried it directly in their cages but then if I were to use it I would allow their cage to air for a day or 2 before I put them back.
go chemical free, if the smell is in your tanks use a mixture of white vinegar and bi-carb soda in water (2ltr ice cream container 1/2 full with two cap/lids of vinegar & 1-2tspn bi-carb) wash and wipe out your tanks with wet cloth then dry with scrunched up news paper.

If the smell is in your room, open up a box of bi-carb and leave it open in your room or near the smelly area for a few days/week or even permanently it will absorb any oduors.
Straight up as suggested lose the fake grass i had it and it retains that much stench. My beardie tank absolutely reeked.
Place a small box of Bicarb Soda in there for a few days. The Bicarb absorbs smells etc, don't ask me how it works, but it does. Have used it many a time in smelly fridges and dishwashing machines and it works a treat.

You can pick up Bicarb from any grocery store in the baking/cooking ingredients isle.

P.S. Make sure after placing the Bicarb in the enclosure you close all entries so that no air gets in or out.

Good luck.
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