knob tailed gecko info

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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hi everyone.
so im looking into getting a couple of knob tails and wondering if anyone can point me in the dirrection of any additional information. i have done a search on APS but havent really found anything (could be looking in the wrong spot)
anyway im looking to know what heating and lighting requirements they need.
i plan on useing the reptile sand as substrate and was thinking of a
Exoterra size 30 x 30 x 30 cm...
any links, info or advice would be great!
i also did a google search but theres a lot of conflicting advice out there
thankyou !
I too found so much conflicting opinions and ideas on google, and when i searched on here i didnt really find anything in older posts apart from "use google".

go onto my profile and look through the threads i started about geckos as i did get some very helpful replies from members on this site. i have only had my geckos for 2 months and already they are doing great! so easy to maintain and breed (i have already had 2 eggs)!

i think the exoterra will be too small to be honest. 30 x 30 doesnt leave them much room. i have a pair in a 44 litre tub. cheap to buy (about $12) and easy to clean. i have 2 cm of desert sand covering the bottom of the tub. i have 2 upturned pot saucers with an entrance angle grinded out for access. i have these in the cool section. under one third of the tub i have a 25watt heatmat. this is not on a thermostat as my flat right now doesnt get warm enough to worry about overheating. the tub is opentop and the heat escapes. the hot end gets max 40' and the cool end around 17'.

i spray the cool end every other night and the geckos soon learn to run to the sides of the tub and lap up the water droplets. when my female was gravid i bought a smaller tub and drilled an access hole in the side and filled this with moist sand. the female instantly entered and started digging her tunnels. she then layed in here and was easy to see the eggs and dig them out.

i feed mine as much as they want to eat. while the female was ovulating she was a machine, eating about 4 - 6 crickets a night. now they are feeding about 2 crickets each a night. they have both put on weight so this seems to be enough.

anyways, i hope this helps!
jay, thankyou so so much. just the sort of info i needed. yeah i thought it sounded a bit small, might even just go for standard 2 foot tanks.
ill have a look at your threads! thanks again!

I too found so much conflicting opinions and ideas on google, and when i searched on here i didnt really find anything in older posts apart from "use google".

go onto my profile and look through the threads i started about geckos as i did get some very helpful replies from members on this site. i have only had my geckos for 2 months and already they are doing great! so easy to maintain and breed (i have already had 2 eggs)!

i think the exoterra will be too small to be honest. 30 x 30 doesnt leave them much room. i have a pair in a 44 litre tub. cheap to buy (about $12) and easy to clean. i have 2 cm of desert sand covering the bottom of the tub. i have 2 upturned pot saucers with an entrance angle grinded out for access. i have these in the cool section. under one third of the tub i have a 25watt heatmat. this is not on a thermostat as my flat right now doesnt get warm enough to worry about overheating. the tub is opentop and the heat escapes. the hot end gets max 40' and the cool end around 17'.

i spray the cool end every other night and the geckos soon learn to run to the sides of the tub and lap up the water droplets. when my female was gravid i bought a smaller tub and drilled an access hole in the side and filled this with moist sand. the female instantly entered and started digging her tunnels. she then layed in here and was easy to see the eggs and dig them out.

i feed mine as much as they want to eat. while the female was ovulating she was a machine, eating about 4 - 6 crickets a night. now they are feeding about 2 crickets each a night. they have both put on weight so this seems to be enough.

anyways, i hope this helps!
i was wondering if culd help me out about the breeding of knobbies, i heard they can put up to 6 clutches a year, i have researhced in google, but the info is really dodgy. so here are some of my questionss:
can i breed them any time of the year?
if its ony in spring and summer, how long do they take to lay their eggs, and how often should i introduce the male to be able to get the 4-6 clutches?
its things like this i need hellp at, please help me out here
OK, i consider myself an amateur at geckos as these are my first knobbies. but here are my experiences so far.

i purchased my pair in mid May, they are a yearling pair, i housed them together and i kept the temps a constant 32 as i wanted to fatten them up beofre i cooled them for winter. as they were fattening up and i was going to put the temps down i noticed the female looked very plump! you could see she had eggs developing inside her so i kept the temps up. she laid her first clutch on the 7th july! she has since laid another clutch on the 13 august. so in answer to your question...... yes, they breed anytime of year!

i have heard mixed responses about matings, some say one successful mating will fertilise eggs for the season, others introduce their pairs after every clutch? mine are currently seperated but once the female has gained a little more weight i will introduce them again and see what happens.

hhope this helps?
There is a great article by John McGrath in rep aus mag with all you need to know.
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