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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
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If you do not intend to buy an animal that has been advertised, " DO NOT RESPOND TO THE AD".
If you do not want to pay the advertised price, " DO NOT RESPOND TO THE AD".

You are a major draw back to this hobby taking off.
If you do not think the animal is worth the advertised price, you are entitled to your opinion. There is no need to waste the sellers time, go and get yourself a life.

The one funny thing out of this whole saga was that the highest offer received was from a Pet Shop.

If you do not intend to buy an animal that has been advertised, " DO NOT RESPOND TO THE AD".
If you do not want to pay the advertised price, " DO NOT RESPOND TO THE AD".

You are a major draw back to this hobby taking off.
If you do not think the animal is worth the advertised price, you are entitled to your opinion. There is no need to waste the sellers time, go and get yourself a life.

The one funny thing out of this whole saga was that the highest offer received was from a Pet Shop.


l agree with Freeloader, if you do not intend buying the reptiles or reptile products such as enclosures-heating products or what ever the seller as advertise.

Please go away and find something else to do with your free time, the sellers don't have much time to waste when advertising live Reptiles or anything else to do with Reptile Products.

l myself get annoyed when l'm selling my Live Reptiles or Reptile Enclosure, when someone say they are interested in what l'm advertising and they wish to see a photo, then l emailer it to them and never ever hear nothing back from them, a quick reply to say thanks for the photo and information but its not what l'm looking for or the price is not right, would be much appreciated, so the seller knows its to available if someone else shows interest in what they have available.
I fully support this post.
Some breeders don't stipulate the price, especially on the high-end species. If you want to know the price, make your enquiry in a civilised manner; i.e. introduce yourself, tell the breeder why you are or may be interested in his / her reptiles if the price meets your budget. You will receive better answer than just $$$ or no answer at all.
And please, write in english - enquiry such as "how much 4 Ur snakes" is offensive to some.
i totally agree,...

and do ur research, i asked a breeder for some painted turtles a while ago and later that day when i went to apply for my import license i realised they were on a class 2 license,...i emailied the seller a big long apology but he was obviously to peed off to respond. i had done research on the caring for turtles part but didnt come across the info that i actually couldnt have those ones. :(
so to sellers selling stuff thats not on a basic licence make sure u mention that when someone contacts you, just incase they made my mistake.
i aggree with free loaders 1st point.

although in the 2nd point i think alot of sellers put a high price on there animal of sale, and gradually bring it down till a buyer see's a fair price. if people didnt call or pm to negotiate on price i wonder how many animals would go un sold, they may sell eventually but could take longer.

everyone likes a good deal. i dont see the harm in a pm or call if it is genuine, to either negotiate price or find out more info on the animal.

i have had my time wasted before and yes it is annoying, but i have also had a lot of genuine people calling which i have been happy to talk to about the sale.

if you are set on the price all well and good tell them that, but if you have room in the price tag to bargin whats the big deal.
i aggree with free loaders 1st point.

although in the 2nd point i think alot of sellers put a high price on there animal of sale, and gradually bring it down till a buyer see's a fair price. if people didnt call or pm to negotiate on price i wonder how many animals would go un sold, they may sell eventually but could take longer.

everyone likes a good deal. i dont see the harm in a pm or call if it is genuine, to either negotiate price or find out more info on the animal.

i have had my time wasted before and yes it is annoying, but i have also had a lot of genuine people calling which i have been happy to talk to about the sale.

if you are set on the price all well and good tell them that, but if you have room in the price tag to bargin whats the big deal.

Of course, it's only natural that a buyer wants to find out more about the animal, particularly if it's expensive. I am always happy to oblige but there is an art in convincing the seller that you are genuinely interested and that it's not just all about the price. Do that before you ask for photographs, husbandry records, etc.. In other words, open up an intelligent dialog with the buyer - you never know where it could lead, maybe even to a lower price. On the other hand, if you haven't got a penny in your pocket, don't try to bargain the price on a $4,000.- animal.
"Got any pics" works better than Laxettes for me
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Of course, it's only natural that a buyer wants to find out more about the animal, particularly if it's expensive. I am always happy to oblige but there is an art in convincing the seller that you are genuinely interested and that it's not just all about the price. Do that before you ask for photographs, husbandry records, etc.. In other words, open up an intelligent dialog with the buyer - you never know where it could lead, maybe even to a lower price. On the other hand, if you haven't got a penny in your pocket, don't try to bargain the price on a $4,000.- animal.

im happy to agree with that
i just love the ppl, who act all normal very enthusiastic gonaa buy a trio off you, can you hold them for me till i get an import permit, you hold them for them, and then a month later you contact them to see whats happening and they never get back to you. and this is after all the crap about photos, history, more photos from different angles, who to freight through, more photos............ i had 5 people do that to me last year makes you want to blow your brains out. haha though its the same everywhere, try selling anything without getting those ppl
i advertise the price i want, not 1cent more. i know my price is fair, but some people just have to try and bargin no matter what the asking price is. as for photo collecters im over them
One that i hear is people putting down they dont freight, then after all the sending of photos and picking one out, they turn aorund and live across the map......
Yeah- all those deadbeats that want to see a photo or request further information- it is just so disrespectful. Especially those people who are asking for a ballpark figure when the breeder doesnt supply one because they are feeling out the idiots and hoping to inflate their price or nail one of the gullible members- man- can't you buyers just pay whatever the breeder tells you is right without sending out incoherent single-line picture requests, because you may be extremely busy juggling your work commitments or kids or home duties.

You buyers need to help the breeders get closure for their efforts in attaching a j-peg image to an email- they have toiled hard and not supplied that picture or price for moral reasons and becasue they too are busy struggling to make ends meet- and here you are just asking questions and not even thanking them for such brilliantly mind-draining efforts.

How dare you irritating buyers not learn the art of convincing the seller that you are serious- have you not read the rule book on sending your hard earned cash on a sight-unseen product? You need to show that seller that it is not all about the money- even though there is no price tag and no aesthetic justification for the high price you are querying.

COME ON GUYS- RETAIL 101 !!!!!!!

Can't you see that by opening up an intelligent dialogue with the buyer, you forge a lifelong relationship. You will have a friend for life who will rush out and get that export licence- send you your snake with lightning speed and do weekly follow ups to ensure your new family member is settling in. You disgusting buyers have to see that a breeder older than 33 is probably not well versed in text message replies- it is an entirely different language and requires a seperate skillset outside of the realms of English translation- your breeder needs full well-constructed sentences with an intoroduction, a beefy middle part and an ending that gives him or her the closure he needs to continue providing the herp world with high quality animals in a selfless act of kindness for your benefit. Not to mention punctuation and clearly seperated paragraphs.

So from now on- please use the following template for requesting more information. I have provided it for your use out of the goodness of my heart- please PM me to thank me once you have read it and do not request any further information via email without first introducing yourself and proving you are a legitimate snake admirer.

Hi there,

I am very interested in your listing for the (breed) you have listed on the forum here.
Lovely day isn't it ? I have a sufficiently equipped bank balance with (Bank name) to pay for the snake to which I am referring. I am very interested in it also. In fact you could say that I am genuinely a fan of (breed) and always have been since (year).

Of course, i will require a photo of the snake outlined in the above introduction if you could oblige with a moment of your time. Oh, pardon me, where are my manners ?

My name is Tone and i will be guiding you through this application for more information. I am an Aries and enjoy walks in the park; I like hot Milo when it's cold and cold Milo when it's hot. I have always liked snakes since watching Snakes on a Plane ironically whilst on a plane flight to Iran. oh that Samuel L Jackson is a scoundrel !

I see that you have the letters "EOI" in place of a price, does this mean that your snake is Easy On the I's, or am I to insert my own price in this section? If not, I am more than happy to pay whatever you tell me your snake is worth; after all- you are more knowledgable and virile than me, and I would hate you to think I was taking advantage of your kindness in offering this snake for sale.

This exchange of snake and money is certainly not about the cost- of course we both have the snake's best interests at heart, don't we ? I will just send you a blank cheque that you can write EOI in until you decide what you deserve.

I am also happy to pay for the export licence you require by law to supply me with. If you have a car for sale, please let me know as I am more than happy to also pay for the Roadworthy Certificate which is by law your responsibility when selling it. I think this is only fair as I would hate you to be out of pocket, and, (insert Deity) forbid, you be forced to sell one of your lovely animals at cost price just to recoup the money to feed your family.

Hopefully by now you are convinced that I am a legitimate snake lover and not just a person who likes to punch wheels, as they say in the biz. I would love to see some stunning photographs of your snake; if you could send me (insert number) with your snake in a casual pose- maybe looking away from the camera as if not interested; or even a slightly out of focus pic with the snake at a bus stop or dining with friends- that would be fantastic and of course all pictures will remain your property. I will be sure to send a letter of thanks once I receive that email and view the attachments you have so kindly donated to my inbox.

If you do not hear from me within (insert single digit number) days of sending me your detailed reply- please notify the authorities- clearly if I do not reply with instant gratification, something terrible has happened to me- perhaps a family member has passed or I have been kidnapped by (insert nationality) crime gangs and left tied up with noone to feed my Jacky. It certanly is not because you have sent me an extortionate price because you though my post count was indicative of my experience, or that your one word reply offended me in any way.

I look forward 2 hearing from U.

My apologies if my shorthand just offended you in the previous sentence- it is just that I own a (brand of phone) mobile phone and sometimes my friends and I like to use it to communicate via an "SMS"; it is a novel concept that has been used for 15 years; however there is generally a character limit which necessitates occasionally the abbreviated form of words and concepts. If this style of message is beyond your understanding I can send you a link to some sites that can aid you in recovering the lost information.

I am very interested in this transaction and look forward to a life-long relationship with you as my breeder, and a lifetime of advice, support and post-service follow up enquiries. Your husbandry practices are of no consequnce to me, so I have not referred to the animal's history in any way as clearly with such a detailed advertisement which you provided at no cost and with limited information, you are spending the time you saved tending to your flock. Just knowing the snake has been spending the days with you is comfort enough.

Kind Regards
(insert your full name)
XoX (any configuration of kisses and cuddles is fine)
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exactly ZOOJAS.Why advertise without a pic in the first place? Of course people are goping to want to know what the animal looks like before they buy it.
well i can tell u that if im forking out some good cash - then 9 out of 10 times i want to see atleast a picture of the animal im buying .......

Exactly ZJ - if we are asking questions it is because the seller has been too lazy to add a few pics to a listing or supplied crappy info about their snake- and now they are whinging that we were forced to request a whole bunch of info- mayb e if you precious ones just had pics and all the info to start with, your time would not be wasted by buyers and tyre kickers.

That's really, really funny Weezer, I admire your dedication. Do you write for living?

Zoojas, did anybody say that you shouldn't see a picture or a feeding chart before buying an animal? I often invite buyers to come over and select the animals they want, I even pay for their ticket in some cases. You just have to figure out how to go about it. It's that simple.

Sorry to say it, I find 90% of breeders to be greedy, that have nothing in mind other than their wallet.

Whats that you need to offset the cost of all your reptiles? So when do you start breeding your kids to offset raising them?

Seriously, if people want to sell something, deal with the crap, and go on your merry way, I know 30seconds is alot of time in our fast paced world, but get over it, your not special.
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