when did it eat last ?, wasnt this the snake that was refusing to eat a little while ago[ a month or so] ?.i did some reading i think it is just pre digested food coming up from me handling here to much shes fine shes not pain or anything
Agreed, get her to a vet for a check ASAP if you can.This most definitely calls for a vet call...
if thats the case then id be geting it to the vet, as i dont think its undigested food coming up from being over handled.she ate last sunday
theres no vets around my place that do reptiles
where is your area ?theres no vets around my place that do reptiles
i know thats in perth not mandurah i belive its just a bit of vomit anyway after she did she had a poo
i know thats in perth not mandurah i belive its just a bit of vomit anyway after she did she had a poo