Escapee Python - Click Click Recommendations

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Escapee Python - Click Clack Recommendations

Hi all,

So I woke up at 2:30am a couple of nights ago to feel something crawling up my leg. I pulled back the blankets and found my new Stimson python had escaped and decided to cuddle up to me in bed (or he was sizing me up).,

I've been using a 30L click clack I purchased at Bunnings. After looking at the slight gap between the lip of the container and the lid, I have a vague idea of how he got out. My guess is, he worked his way into the gap and managed to push the latch out and then lift the lid up.,

So, what I was wondering was, does anyone have any recommendations as far as click clacks go and where to buy? I'd probably want something around 30L still.I've got a 70L click clack setup in the garage that looks much better as far as gaps are concerned, but he's only 57cm and probably still too small for it?,

The other option I guess is to use a sealant of some description to fill in the gaps on the current click clack's lid.,


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Hi Mark,

I have binders that hold the lid to my click clacks down - the type of binders you use to bind together large bundles of paper.

6 of them seem to work well and they're easy to remove.

I had one escapee - but she returned (I think the toads outside teased her) - she hates the outside world now! This is what prompted me to use the binders - she's never been so secure in her life :)

Bulldog clips - that's what they're called (sorry, just remembered)
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bull dog clips work well ive used them too. imo your snake will be fine in the 70L setup...if your concerned just add more hides to the space
i use starmaid 52lt tubs for some of my click clacks , i like them because they are clear and they have an inner lip on the lid .
ill take pics later on [ as its feeding day today]
I thought tubs from bunnings come with latches to hold the lid down? are you sure you didn't forget to latch after handling?
The bigger the container the looser the lid.

In addition to bulldog clips, I also use that foamy weatherstrip you can buy from Bunnings.

I just stick a strip down on the top of the container rim and the lid sits on there snugly and pushes into the foam.
Many thanks for the suggestions. I never thought about the bulldog clips.I still think I may use a sealant. It's a bit scary seeing him get his body up into the gap above the container lip. He then gets to the corner and realises he can't get further. Then he gets his body back down into the container and still has his head/neck stuck in the gap.Or I may even jump to the 70L click clack (as long as he's okay with it) for the extra room. The latches on the 70L container also swing up instead of down, maybe making it harder for him to push open.I'm 99% certain I latched it up properly. The latch comes out from the side of the lid a bit though, and he is able to get his head in the gap there. My guess is he then pushed the latch open.I think I may as well just go to the 70 L container :)
i use starmaid 52lt tubs for some of my click clacks , i like them because they are clear and they have an inner lip on the lid .
Ditto, for the same reasons, never had a problem with them.
I get a soldering iron and punch a hole through the lip of the lid and the side of the tub. I then insert a bolt or pin. i put about 4 in, at different locations around the lid. works for me and not that much mucking around to take out.
I'm going to head to Bunnings and try find some suitable weather strips (easier than having to buy a new container, modify it, etc). Failing that, I may
have to keep looking around for Starmaid containers. I tried looking for them a few weeks ago, but gave up after a little while.
it seems a lot of the tubs/click clacks only have latches on the 'short ends' so therefore there is a lot of flexibility in the middle of the 'long' sides, and a lot of people underestimate the strength of a hatchy/Juvi python. as already suggested, a couple of bulldog clips fixes the problem.
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