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Not so new Member
Dec 14, 2009
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So, about a year ago I purchased a Atherton Jungle Python, cutest snake I've ever seen.

8 months later and I hesitate to even go near the cage. I've had many many snakes before this python 'Angel' (I should have waited a few months before I named her). She is 1.5 years old, absolutely beautiful in colour, but a total jerk.

The amazing part is, she is lovely to my friends and family, she'll go up to the camera and play with their hair and let them hold her and be loved, but if I so much as try to pour water into her dish she strikes in a random direction and gives me dirtys. (Yes, snakes can give dirtys.)

I have never hurt her, or done anything bad to her, and all my other snakes pas and present have loved me. I undertstood that all Jungle pythons are narky, but she takes it to a whole new level. And when i bought her the breeder said she was placid and a great feeder.

Last week, I tried to feed her a mouse and struck the ground and got a mouthful of sand, which led to me having to replace all her sand with newspaper while she enjoyed sitting in my empty coffee cups.


Any advice? I'm thinking of selling. And renaming her 'Femme Fatal. :I
Turn her into a display snake...

I have two big coastals - one is the son of Santa, the other a daughter of Satan.

One is to look and not touch... the other is for both...

One is pretty... the other is typically like Santa... Fat, jolly, and a little bit stupid....

Both are amazing animals however...

Always keep your friends close... but your enemies closer... Because Satan's daughter is currently plotting a way to kill us all right now...
i don't know much about snakes but it may just be a hormonal thing or a teenager thing! if she's a total biarch 24/7 then she needs to see a snake shrink but if its only certain times like feeding or shes on heat then maybe just let her be.
my cat gets very annoying very quickly at 5.30am and 4pm everyday because of feeding times and when on heat she has a short fuse. dunno, just some thoughts
So, about a year ago I purchased a Atherton Jungle Python, cutest snake I've ever seen.

8 months later and I hesitate to even go near the cage. I've had many many snakes before this python 'Angel' (I should have waited a few months before I named her). She is 1.5 years old, absolutely beautiful in colour, but a total jerk.

The amazing part is, she is lovely to my friends and family, she'll go up to the camera and play with their hair and let them hold her and be loved, but if I so much as try to pour water into her dish she strikes in a random direction and gives me dirtys. (Yes, snakes can give dirtys.)

I have never hurt her, or done anything bad to her, and all my other snakes pas and present have loved me. I undertstood that all Jungle pythons are narky, but she takes it to a whole new level. And when i bought her the breeder said she was placid and a great feeder.

Last week, I tried to feed her a mouse and struck the ground and got a mouthful of sand, which led to me having to replace all her sand with newspaper while she enjoyed sitting in my empty coffee cups.

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Any advice? I'm thinking of selling. And renaming her 'Femme Fatal. :I
from my bredli, its the way you handle them, that i see, he hates my bf, because hes not confident, let her bite you, show her that your not a threat, handle her with confidence, thats what i found helped, so in other words! grow some tennisballs! :p
i don't know much about snakes but it may just be a hormonal thing or a teenager thing! if she's a total biarch 24/7 then she needs to see a snake shrink but if its only certain times like feeding or shes on heat then maybe just let her be.
my cat gets very annoying very quickly at 5.30am and 4pm everyday because of feeding times and when on heat she has a short fuse. dunno, just some thoughts
snakes aren't like cats lol
Handle her more if you can, the breeder I got my Darwin from said that he was a placid little fellow, the second the breeder left the strangling and biting started. It probably just doesn't feel secure around you for some reason, handling it more often should allow it to see that you're not a threat.

Goodluck with it, I hope you don't sell it :)
do u feed her in her enclosure? that could also be a contributing factor. snakes associate feeding areas and living areas, i feed my bredli in a large plastic click clack, wen i remove the lid she has her tongue going mad and she even strikes at the lid. but wen i grab her out of her enclosure or anywhere else she is the most placid snake.
do u wear perfume of any type or something that has a strong smell to it i have a childrens python and it does not like some people that wear perfume.
Sounds a bit like she's enclosure protective as per Kenshin and Cambart1991...use a snake hook to get her out, or just moving and not in a strike mode. She sounds like a real sweet girl once she's out and about....unlike one of our guys can turn it on when he's out and doesn't want to be handles anymore.
My mate had a jungle, wouldnt let anyone pick her up, was a real bitch (so to speak) would just bite and bite and bite ( she was only a bub so its not like it hurt much, having said that my 6ft bit me and I didnt think it hurt, I mean its not like they have massive teeth :p). No one wanted to handle her cause of the biting, well one day I just took her out and ignored all the bites, after about half an hour of her attempts to murder me she couldnt have been more friendly and was fine with me after tht instance, so maybe its something like that?
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