malnurished childrens python

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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hey i lost my childrens python about 9 months ago she escaped from her enclosure one night and after hours of searching never found her till tonight, she is so tiney and skinny im guessing that she didnt eat anything for months then must have hibernated through winter im worried about her health and am unsure what to do, i have put her into a click clack with heat and a hide and water dish and have already witnessed her drinking. should i feed her tonight or wait?
make sure it is warm enough but only feed a pinky tonight, then give it 24 hrs and then another pinky as you dont want to upset the digestive system by giving it too much too soon. I would give a Pinky every 2 - 3 days for atleast a week and slowly increase amount or size.
Thats terrific that she turned up again :D

Just out of curiousity, where (what room etc) did she get out, and where did she turn up again?
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hey all, i offered her a fuzzy last night and she took it without hesatation wich is great. to cut a long story short... i was living with my mate and nibbles escaped. i searched the room she was in and the rest of the house with no luck in finding her. then a few months after she escaped i moved out of my mates place into a place of my own and when i was moving i kept looking for her hoping she was just sleeping under somthing but still no luck... a few months after we moved my housemate decided to move his children into diferent rooms now that i wasnt living there anymore there were 2 spair rooms in the 4 br house, last night the kids had friends over and were all playing between the two rooms and noticed nibbles trying to sneak into the cupboard in the sons bedroom (located across the hall from the room nibbles was originally in) they screamed and the parents came running and it turned out to be nibbles, they called me on my phone and i zoomed over on my bike to confirm it was her and fair enough it was! im so happy as she is my original python and like a first car i had that special connection with her and truly was upset when she went missing.
if she is eating she should be fine
if youa re worried about her being dehydrated you can give her a fine mist of water each day and it will help her absorb more water to recover what is lost.
That is fantastic news.....glad she is eating and drinking for you.She should be fine now.
The outcome may have been a lot worse.
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