Only half eggs laid

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I did massage her and soaked in soapy worm water yesterday. My concern now is that she have still about 3 eggs higher in her top part of the body, about 2 inches up from cloacca.
I am waiting for her to drop them down. it is only 28 days after prelay shead, there is always option that she laid first lot bit early.
i am not taking her to vet as many of you suggested. All what vet can do except surgery, I can do also. I helped my coastal female last year with eggs she could not push out by draining the egg with syringe. that worked for me, last time. But this situation is different. looks like the female is laying her clutch in intervals. Her coacca is free and no wound visible.
last egg have no trace of blood like the first 3.
At the moment I have 6 healthy eggs incubating and about 3 inside of female. Girl is basking her belly and moving between box and heat spot with no problem.
My mates topaz woma layed one egg,then almost 2 days later another 9 came along,all healthy and all incubating well.
I am glad to hear she laid a few more. First time mothers usually struggle a little as their bodies have not gone through the process before. Some handle first clutches well and others don't seem to have a clue what they are doing.
I notice these sort of happenings are becoming more common. To me they ar "lifestyle diseases of captive snakes". We feed our snakes more, breed them earlier and try to save every potential egg thus negatively selecting towards intervention. It is not disimiliar to humans.... obesity and inactivity =increased ceasarians. On top of that we have the system and drug companies pushing intervention as thats what they get paid for!
I notice these sort of happenings are becoming more common. To me they ar "lifestyle diseases of captive snakes". We feed our snakes more, breed them earlier and try to save every potential egg thus negatively selecting towards intervention. It is not disimiliar to humans.... obesity and inactivity =increased ceasarians. On top of that we have the system and drug companies pushing intervention as thats what they get paid for!

well she is 3 years old and my feeding cycle is 3-4 weeks one rat. She is healthy but not fat. All the other things you are mentioning like drug interventions, don't know what this is.
I am glad to hear she laid a few more. First time mothers usually struggle a little as their bodies have not gone through the process before. Some handle first clutches well and others don't seem to have a clue what they are doing.

I was massaging her again today. She is not stressed and moving around happily.
Eggs are moving freely inside of her, I can move it 2 inches up and down. maybe she will surprise me tomorrow. i can push the eggs out from cloacca if necessary, but will wait fore bit longer to give her chance.
Well today was the day I sucked exactly 80ml of eggs from her belly by syringe. I was waiting long enough. No need to stress her any longer. She grabed rat just 2 hours after. Looks like this is end of this topic. Well I have 6 healthy eggs from her . Not bad for first timer.
6 is better than none slatey.

did you just stick a syringe through her side and suck out the fluid? i have heard of it being done but not 100% on how its done (and probably wouldn't attempt it).

what happens with the egg shell? just passes through?
Yes that is exactly how I do this. It is important to insert needle in right angle to give your self chance to be in centre of the egg as best as possible. Also squeeze the belly so you can see the shape of the each egg. This procedure is much easier to do with snakes like woma or blackhead, they have nice large eggs.
She just disposed shells today afternoon. I think that her good appetite have something to do with it.
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