Firstly, wall of text incoming! Apologies if these are specifically answered elsewhere, but I've been reading the forums/wiki here for a week+ now and still have some questions I've not found answers to....
We are about to get our first snake. I've applied for my R1 a little over a week ago, and we're all pretty excited. We've been trying to decide what to get, and after much reading, browsing lots of photos, and many questions, we think we're settled on some male (less humongous is better
) black and gold jungle hatchling, somewhere in the 6 months age bracket so we can watch him grow.
So the first thing: I've realized that the click-clack I've got (made according to the great instructions found here) might be too big for a younger animal. Do you think I should get something smaller than 28 litres initially, and then move him into the 28l one once he grows a bit, as a transition before a full size vivarium? Or would it be better to swap enclosures as seldom as possible, and therefore start him off in a small one or the one we've got, only moving to a viv/proper enclosure once he's fully grown?
I ask because I've been doing as much reading as I can on the husbandry side of things, in order to be best prepared to properly care for our new addition when our licence does arrive, and most folks on here seem to recommend a click clack around 10 litres or less for hatchies (we had initially considered a yearling or an adult, hence the larger container). It's easy (and cheap) enough to get and put together another, smaller click clack if that's a better way to go. Whatever will be best for the snake!
We've currently got a small (15cm X 25cm) 10 watt heat mat and a digital thermostat. Should I grab a heat lamp and cage of some sort as well? The thermostat we have has 2 power points, one is thermostat-controlled (for the mat), while the other is on a timer (I assume for a light). Also, are the ceramic heaters that fit into a light socket preferable to a normal heat light? I've asked at a couple of pet shops, but (as I'm sure you know) pet store employees don't exactly seem authorities on the subject.
This snake will ostensibly be a birthday present for our 14 year old (though we will all enjoy it), and as his birthday was last weekend, he got some snake-keeping things as gifts. We currently have:
1) a possibly too large click-clack (28 litres as mentioned above)
2) the above mentioned heat mat
3) an "Eco Tech" branded digital thermostat w/timer
4) an "Exo Terra" brand 10cm tall x ~28cm x ~23cm fake rock "hide" (little half-circle entrance cut out of one side)
5) another plastic fake rock water dish (about 15cm square, fits in a corner)
6) feeding tongs
7) a bottle of "Repti-Hand" sanitizer
There's a pet shop near(ish) to us that sells frozen pinkies/mice/rats, so that's covered, and I'll be getting a book or two on the subject in the next couple days (Care of Australian Reptiles in Captivity seems universally recommended).
The only other thing I can think of is to locate my closest reptile vet. Any suggestions for someone good around northwestern Sydney (Wahroonga) would be appreciated.
My last question then, is am I missing anything? Any obvious oversights here?
Thanks heaps in advance! There's a lot of info here already, and it's been interesting learning so far.
Firstly, wall of text incoming! Apologies if these are specifically answered elsewhere, but I've been reading the forums/wiki here for a week+ now and still have some questions I've not found answers to....
We are about to get our first snake. I've applied for my R1 a little over a week ago, and we're all pretty excited. We've been trying to decide what to get, and after much reading, browsing lots of photos, and many questions, we think we're settled on some male (less humongous is better
So the first thing: I've realized that the click-clack I've got (made according to the great instructions found here) might be too big for a younger animal. Do you think I should get something smaller than 28 litres initially, and then move him into the 28l one once he grows a bit, as a transition before a full size vivarium? Or would it be better to swap enclosures as seldom as possible, and therefore start him off in a small one or the one we've got, only moving to a viv/proper enclosure once he's fully grown?
I ask because I've been doing as much reading as I can on the husbandry side of things, in order to be best prepared to properly care for our new addition when our licence does arrive, and most folks on here seem to recommend a click clack around 10 litres or less for hatchies (we had initially considered a yearling or an adult, hence the larger container). It's easy (and cheap) enough to get and put together another, smaller click clack if that's a better way to go. Whatever will be best for the snake!
We've currently got a small (15cm X 25cm) 10 watt heat mat and a digital thermostat. Should I grab a heat lamp and cage of some sort as well? The thermostat we have has 2 power points, one is thermostat-controlled (for the mat), while the other is on a timer (I assume for a light). Also, are the ceramic heaters that fit into a light socket preferable to a normal heat light? I've asked at a couple of pet shops, but (as I'm sure you know) pet store employees don't exactly seem authorities on the subject.
This snake will ostensibly be a birthday present for our 14 year old (though we will all enjoy it), and as his birthday was last weekend, he got some snake-keeping things as gifts. We currently have:
1) a possibly too large click-clack (28 litres as mentioned above)
2) the above mentioned heat mat
3) an "Eco Tech" branded digital thermostat w/timer
4) an "Exo Terra" brand 10cm tall x ~28cm x ~23cm fake rock "hide" (little half-circle entrance cut out of one side)
5) another plastic fake rock water dish (about 15cm square, fits in a corner)
6) feeding tongs
7) a bottle of "Repti-Hand" sanitizer
There's a pet shop near(ish) to us that sells frozen pinkies/mice/rats, so that's covered, and I'll be getting a book or two on the subject in the next couple days (Care of Australian Reptiles in Captivity seems universally recommended).
The only other thing I can think of is to locate my closest reptile vet. Any suggestions for someone good around northwestern Sydney (Wahroonga) would be appreciated.
My last question then, is am I missing anything? Any obvious oversights here?
Thanks heaps in advance! There's a lot of info here already, and it's been interesting learning so far.