Very Well-Known Member
Well while you haven't seen a hundred threads, that doesn't mean I haven't been out frantically herping every night since my last thread. I've finally gotten some pictures of some snakes and a dodgy shot of a leaftail which I promised myself I would get before making this thread.
So here we go with the herps I have seen since last I posted.
One night I went down to the gully next to my house looking for some of these little guys breeding, a chance to brush up my photography.
Pseudophryne coriacea by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
The next day I tried my hand at photographing little brown skinks without much success.
Lampropholis delicata by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
A good warm night made the pond out the back of my house ideal for photography of two tree frogs, Litoria peronii and Litoria tyleri so I got my dirty shoes on a waded out after some good pics. I came back with these.
Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Litoria tyleri Amplexus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Litoria tyleri by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Litoria tyleri by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
and my favourite
Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
I went out one night of spotlighting just near Bulahdelah. It wasn't a great night and the only photograph I found worthy to take given time constraints was of a bird. It was quite cold and I would saw a poor night, nonetheless we actually saw a few species.
Reptiles: Pseudechis porphyriacus in shed as evidenced by a cloudy eye founde under a log, Eulamprus qouyii, and Saiphos equalis.
Frogs: Litoria phyllocroa, Litoria barringtonensis, Litoria peronii, Litoria fallax, Litoria wilcoxii, Litoria chloris, Litoria latopalmata, Pseudophryne corriacea, Lechriodus fletcheri, Adelotus brevis, Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, Crinia signifera, Uperoleia fusca, Limnodynastes peronii
Centipedes: 2 C.westwoodi which I collected.
Birds: Tawny Frogmouth, Some Species of Owl (flew of quick), Owlet Nightajar
Owlet Nightjar (Aegotheles cristatus) by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
I didn't take photographs either because things were not in nice poses, I'm a lazy bugger, or I already have good photographs of the species.
Back home I found an interesting snake while moving some bricks, I thought it best to move him to avoid injury and decided the best place to move him too would be the one that looked good in a photo.
Ramphotyphlops nigrescens by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Sometime around this time I also found another nice little brown skink and again tried my hand at photography this time getting better results
Saproscincus mustelinus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Of course I still spent many nights roaming around my place seeing many of the same species shown in this or the earlier thread ( and I took some more pics of the Robust Velvet Geckos at my place.
Oedura robusta by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Another night and another go spotlighting. This turned out to be the night we saw the most reptile activity. It also turned out to be the night I rushed and didn't take a camera.
Reptiles: Demansia psamophis under a log (wish i had my camera, they are ussually too fast for me to photograph, but night time changes that), Cacophis kreffti, Cryptophis nigrescens, Physignathus leseurii on a log above a pond and a Phyllurus platurus. Unfortunately I was shattered on the way out when when still on the tar we hit and killed a young diamon python. This put a dampner on the rest of the night, but at the very least made us very careful in watching for snakes while out.
Frogs: Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, (Heard) Pseudophryne corriacea, Litoria wilcoxii, Litoria fallax, Litoria peronii, Litoria tylerii, Litoria chloris, (heard) Adelotus brevis, (heard) Litoria verreauxii, Limnodynastes peronii, Crinia signifera, (Heard) Uperoleia fusca, Lechriodus fletcheri
The final installment of this thread was a spotlighting trip last night. We saw more than what is pictured in terms of frogs but I photographed all the reptiles.
Phyllurus platurus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Shoddy pictures of a Dwarf Crowned Snake, I'll have to find another one to try this season.
Cacophis kreffti by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Find of the night the elusive but probably common Pink-tongued Skink. I spent little time photographing this as I already have decent photos of banded individuals and he had a regrowth tail (which I don't like).
Cyclodomorphus gerrardi by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Cyclodomorphus gerrardi by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Once we got to a certain place we did some headtorching around and listening we came up with these nice guys to photograph.
One of my all time favourite tree frogs, in my top 3 along with its 2 close relatives. In my opinion these guys surpass things like L.chloris, L.caerulea and pretty much every other Litoria by miles and miles in looks.
Litoria citropa by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
A common frog in a lot of rainforest streams that I am somehow yet to have gotten nice photos of from a known locale (I have some of ones that are in question as to their true identity).
Litoria phyllocroa by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Other frogs seen but not photographed mostly due to time: Litoria wilcoxii, Mixophyes iteratus, Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, Limnodynastes peronii, Litoria peronii, (Heard) Litoria revelata, Litoria fallax, (Heard) Litoria verreauxii, (Heard) Adelotus brevis, (Heard) Pseudophryne corriacea, Lechriodus fletcheri (For a frog I want good photos of I've missed lot of opportuniites haven't I.
) and probably more I forgot.
I hope you enjoy and if you missed it check out my earlier thread covering some species talked about but not shown here, Some Recent Frogs - Aussie Pythons & Snakes
So here we go with the herps I have seen since last I posted.
One night I went down to the gully next to my house looking for some of these little guys breeding, a chance to brush up my photography.

Pseudophryne coriacea by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
The next day I tried my hand at photographing little brown skinks without much success.

Lampropholis delicata by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
A good warm night made the pond out the back of my house ideal for photography of two tree frogs, Litoria peronii and Litoria tyleri so I got my dirty shoes on a waded out after some good pics. I came back with these.

Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr

Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr

Litoria tyleri Amplexus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr

Litoria tyleri by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr

Litoria tyleri by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
and my favourite

Litoria peronii by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
I went out one night of spotlighting just near Bulahdelah. It wasn't a great night and the only photograph I found worthy to take given time constraints was of a bird. It was quite cold and I would saw a poor night, nonetheless we actually saw a few species.
Reptiles: Pseudechis porphyriacus in shed as evidenced by a cloudy eye founde under a log, Eulamprus qouyii, and Saiphos equalis.
Frogs: Litoria phyllocroa, Litoria barringtonensis, Litoria peronii, Litoria fallax, Litoria wilcoxii, Litoria chloris, Litoria latopalmata, Pseudophryne corriacea, Lechriodus fletcheri, Adelotus brevis, Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, Crinia signifera, Uperoleia fusca, Limnodynastes peronii
Centipedes: 2 C.westwoodi which I collected.
Birds: Tawny Frogmouth, Some Species of Owl (flew of quick), Owlet Nightajar

Owlet Nightjar (Aegotheles cristatus) by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
I didn't take photographs either because things were not in nice poses, I'm a lazy bugger, or I already have good photographs of the species.
Back home I found an interesting snake while moving some bricks, I thought it best to move him to avoid injury and decided the best place to move him too would be the one that looked good in a photo.

Ramphotyphlops nigrescens by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Sometime around this time I also found another nice little brown skink and again tried my hand at photography this time getting better results

Saproscincus mustelinus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Of course I still spent many nights roaming around my place seeing many of the same species shown in this or the earlier thread ( and I took some more pics of the Robust Velvet Geckos at my place.

Oedura robusta by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Another night and another go spotlighting. This turned out to be the night we saw the most reptile activity. It also turned out to be the night I rushed and didn't take a camera.
Reptiles: Demansia psamophis under a log (wish i had my camera, they are ussually too fast for me to photograph, but night time changes that), Cacophis kreffti, Cryptophis nigrescens, Physignathus leseurii on a log above a pond and a Phyllurus platurus. Unfortunately I was shattered on the way out when when still on the tar we hit and killed a young diamon python. This put a dampner on the rest of the night, but at the very least made us very careful in watching for snakes while out.
Frogs: Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, (Heard) Pseudophryne corriacea, Litoria wilcoxii, Litoria fallax, Litoria peronii, Litoria tylerii, Litoria chloris, (heard) Adelotus brevis, (heard) Litoria verreauxii, Limnodynastes peronii, Crinia signifera, (Heard) Uperoleia fusca, Lechriodus fletcheri
The final installment of this thread was a spotlighting trip last night. We saw more than what is pictured in terms of frogs but I photographed all the reptiles.

Phyllurus platurus by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Shoddy pictures of a Dwarf Crowned Snake, I'll have to find another one to try this season.

Cacophis kreffti by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Find of the night the elusive but probably common Pink-tongued Skink. I spent little time photographing this as I already have decent photos of banded individuals and he had a regrowth tail (which I don't like).

Cyclodomorphus gerrardi by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr

Cyclodomorphus gerrardi by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Once we got to a certain place we did some headtorching around and listening we came up with these nice guys to photograph.
One of my all time favourite tree frogs, in my top 3 along with its 2 close relatives. In my opinion these guys surpass things like L.chloris, L.caerulea and pretty much every other Litoria by miles and miles in looks.

Litoria citropa by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
A common frog in a lot of rainforest streams that I am somehow yet to have gotten nice photos of from a known locale (I have some of ones that are in question as to their true identity).

Litoria phyllocroa by Stephen Mahony, on Flickr
Other frogs seen but not photographed mostly due to time: Litoria wilcoxii, Mixophyes iteratus, Mixophyes fasciolatus, Mixophyes balbus, Limnodynastes peronii, Litoria peronii, (Heard) Litoria revelata, Litoria fallax, (Heard) Litoria verreauxii, (Heard) Adelotus brevis, (Heard) Pseudophryne corriacea, Lechriodus fletcheri (For a frog I want good photos of I've missed lot of opportuniites haven't I.
I hope you enjoy and if you missed it check out my earlier thread covering some species talked about but not shown here, Some Recent Frogs - Aussie Pythons & Snakes