Bearded Dragon outside?

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Oct 22, 2011
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Hi, I take my bearded dragons outside to receive natural sun - uvb, however I wanted to know how much time an hour outside is equivalent to inside under a uvb 10.0 light?
I was also wondering if they need a certain amount as well if that makes sense?

Im not sure of how much time outside sun is required to get the daily uv sure someone will have that info though.
They need 10-12hrs a day uv though, so if you have a uv bulb in the enclosure, a few hours a week outside sun will be enough.
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nothing beats the sun!!! as much as u can i don't even provide uv globes during the warmer months :)
i have problems getting mine outside for now lol gotta find a secure way to stop the baby magpies from wanting to get my baby lol so until we have satisfactory solution he gets a lil while each morning when the baby maggies are not out and about yet
nothing beats the sun!!! as much as u can i don't even provide uv globes during the warmer months :)

I agree, & i will be doing the same for muppet when he is older. I think that is what the OP is asking, how much time should they be outside for if you are not using uv assuming they dont have uv, & want to make sure they are giving their dragon enough time outside.....
Thanks for the replies, is uvb 5.0 globe strong enough if I take my bearded dragon outside for sun around 5 hours a week?
nothing beats the sun!!! as much as u can i don't even provide uv globes during the warmer months :)

Another question, what strength is 50 UVB equal to here in australia?
Thanks for the replies, is uvb 5.0 globe strong enough if I take my bearded dragon outside for sun around 5 hours a week?
The strength of the bulb probably won't change how many hours outside time you need. Either be prepared to provide about 10 hours spread over a weak and don't worry about inside UV or have a 10.0 to turn on the times it is inside.
i only use indoor UVB for my dragons for their first year of life while theyre doing all that growing, but still get them out in the sun on weekends,...

my adults sit on sunny windowsills when the weather permits, sometimes 2-3 hours 7 times a week, other times theres no sun for weeks,...maybe an hour of weak sun in those weeks,....

while its still important in adults, its far more important in the growing stages,...and we all know how quickly young dragons grow, hence the high UV and calcium requirements.
iv only ever used 5.0 which is for he more tropical 10.0 is to strong and can cause blindness is some dragons some say 1 full
day is equivalent to 7 days under a uv light
i only use indoor UVB for my dragons for their first year of life while theyre doing all that growing, but still get them out in the sun on weekends,...

my adults sit on sunny windowsills when the weather permits, sometimes 2-3 hours 7 times a week, other times theres no sun for weeks,...maybe an hour of weak sun in those weeks,....

while its still important in adults, its far more important in the growing stages,...and we all know how quickly young dragons grow, hence the high UV and calcium requirements.

As far as l am aware, UV doesn't penitrate glass.. I was told early in the peace that window sills were a great heat source then the sun is booming in but pointless for uv, maybe i misunderstood

iv only ever used 5.0 which is for he more tropical 10.0 is to strong and can cause blindness is some dragons some say 1 full
day is equivalent to 7 days under a uv light
ok, l was told centrals needed 10.0
sorry, i probably should have been more specific,...sunny windowsills, open,..but thru flycreens.
i had some trouble with my hatchies under a 10.0, i thought they were just lazy cos they were sleeping all day and hiding from the light, which meant they would not eat properly and were very thin. then my local rep store guy told me to change to a 5.0, and within 2 days they were completely normal beardies, eating like champs. now i only use 5.0's and some natural sun for a few hrs a week
Thanks for the replies, is uvb 5.0 globe strong enough if I take my bearded dragon outside for sun around 5 hours a week?

i'd use the 5.0 globe and take out outside as much as possible.mine live in a old double story rabbit hutch with a run attached during summer
Im not sure of how much time outside sun is required to get the daily uv sure someone will have that info though.
They need 10-12hrs a day uv though, so if you have a uv bulb in the enclosure, a few hours a week outside sun will be enough.

They dont need 12 hours of UV a day. They need 12 hours of light a day to simulate day and night.

Sunlight has a lot more available UVB than those commercial bulbs and as such your lizard would probably be pretty healthy with only a short time in the sun. Think about how easy it is to get burnt under the suns ultraviolet rays when you go outside. I got really burnt last week with only 1/2 an hour in the sun. I believe that the UV activity is highest at noon, so a short period a few times a week during the day when UV is high should be enough in my opinion. Remember to feed them dietry suppliments as well.

I was also under the impression that glass blocked UV but have read that it does actually let some through. Sunlight is much stronger than those UVB bulbs and a lot more UV is able to pentrate the glass. Think about why people tint their windows (other than the cool factor), they enhance protection from UV rays.
^^^^ Im not sure if you misunderstood what i wrote.....but i was referring to 10-12hrs of uv from a bulb.......not real sun! I have only had my beardie for a short time, however in this time have been told & read SO many different things about heating & uv that it doesnt suprise me that people get confused! The last time i spoke to someone on here about the above topics, i was told at least 10hrs uv & 6hrs heat! I currently turn the uv on about 7am & off about 4pm, plus take him outside for approx 3-4hrs a week......once he is over a yr old, i will not be using artificial uv & will take him outside for longer periods instead.
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