Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else, but I would be pissed right off if someone wandered into my herp room at their own leisure.. neglect or not.
In this case yeah, maybe the outcome of the situation etc required it to happen... whatever. But, I don't understand why people just can't mind their own fricken business.
I think you've missed my point. And obviously can't see my comment in which I say "maybe the outcome of the situation etc required it to happen" in my last post. What gives you the right to enter my house and go through my stuff if I don't know you? Nothing.
What if you stumbled into a herp room that is immaculate in every aspect of husbandry, housing, maintenance etc and was full of expensive snakes, and you where the one with 'dirty' animals? It's not your right to go in there, nor is it your obligation. It's the job of people like RSPCA or DECCW (if they actually give a **** about the way reptiles are kept, which is arguable in most cases) IF they get a report of neglect.
You are just being nosey and should mind your own business, realistically.