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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
Port Stephens, NSW
Hey everyone,
Well I have a nearly 2 year old, 6ft NT BHP female, she is extremely placid and so great to handle. Anyway, she seems to shed every 3 - 4 weeks, she gets a medium rat every third week and a adult quail every 4th week, she of course doesnt get fed when she is shedding but it normally takes her about a week to shed after she goes blue/milky. Last time she shed, it took 2 weeks, I put her in the bath and she shed that night.
My question is, is this normal or she excessively shedding? I know she is still growing and has quite a while left to mature and grow but I am unsure if this is normal?

34 Hot, 25 cool and 29 middle
Most are full sheds(eye caps and tail tip) sometimes she sheds everything but tail tip but I can just wipe it off, comes off straight away.
She is handled everyday, takes food like a BHP, she doesnt seemed stressed at all, she stays in her hide during the day, comes out at night and ventures around all night.
Gets natural sunlight every second day.

Any more info I can give, just let me know.
maybe its mites? have you checked for mites etc
but it is a little fast... mine usually take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks for every shed it depends on the feeding regime
No mites, I check their water/give them fresh water every day, I have never seen one mite.

I bath her when she needs help, the only reason I do not bath her more often is because she HATES the water, she will find any which way of escaping, she doesnt like it at all.
My families other two snakes will sit in the tub and they put up with having a nice warm bath.
When I first started keeping aspidites I had a terrible time with their sloughing. I tried all the usual remedies (they HATE being misted, and misting the enclosure was no good because the air dried it out almost instantly) without much success. Eventually I worked out that if I encouraged them to have a drink after the eyes have cleared up it would greatly assist in the sloughing process.

My woma seems to have worked this out on her own, and she is actively drinking around this time. The BHPs sometimes I need to pick them up and put them near the water bowl, which usually initiates a drinking response. So long as I have seen them rehydrating themselves their sloughs have been pretty much trouble-free.
l believe a shed/slough every 7-8 weeks to be the target zone for 17 :)
Rob - She is actually quite a good drinker, she is the only one of our snakes I see drinking.
solar - I know, that's why I am confused on why she keeps shedding so often.

Also Update!!!!
She is in shed again, she only shed a week ago? She is now milky/blue again. I am really confused, I have only fed her one rat and then she goes into a shed again?
She has normal poo, she is hungry(does the tail wiggle) now wonder why...
Not sure why is shedding so much, my female spotted sheds ever 8 weeks, my Bredli every 6 weeks.

Also, I noticed when I first got her, but was a bit embarrassed to ask, she has "spurs" near her cloaca, does this mean she is a male or?, neither of my other two snakes have them?
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Yes its normal for her to have spurs,males generally have larger and females smaller,however i had a large female diamond and by looking at the spurs you would think it was a male...So you cant just tell by the spurs....When it comes to shedding-slough it all comes down to feeding regime,however you said that you have only fed her once since the last time..Ive got a jungle here thats small-undersized for its age so im feeding her up a bit,alot more then my others and shes shedding around 3-4 weeks,and the majority of the others every 5-8weeks..
I don't think this is the case for your girl but sometimes snakes shed every week or very often because they have an internal or external problem and it's their way of healing themselves....or so I have heard.

Maybe try feeding her a smaller prey item but more often? Or this could just be a one-off growth spurt?
She has been doing it for a few months now - shedding 3-4 weeks.
However she is now in a slough and she only shed just over a week ago.
I cannot see any external problem with her, she always has good sheds, sometimes retaining the tail tip but I just need to wipe it off. I really hope she does not have an internal problem, I love her too much.

Does anyone else think it could be something internal or something I will need to get checked out by a vet?

I am confused as to why she is sloughing so frequently, especially only being just over a week and she is blue again.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes its normal for her to have spurs,males generally have larger and females smaller,however i had a large female diamond and by looking at the spurs you would think it was a male...So you cant just tell by the spurs....When it comes to shedding-slough it all comes down to feeding regime,however you said that you have only fed her once since the last time..Ive got a jungle here thats small-undersized for its age so im feeding her up a bit,alot more then my others and shes shedding around 3-4 weeks,and the majority of the others every 5-8weeks..

I thought it was normal, wasn't sure if that meant she was a male or not, I know what they are for etc but my other two snakes dont have them (Spotted, Bredli) They are quite small but noticeable, dont know if that makes any sense?

Edit: Also I have tried feeding her smaller meals more often, same thing, she shed at 3 weeks.
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