Snake in the house! Help please!

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New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Hi everyone!

Help please! My questions are:

1. How long can a snake sit still and not make a sound?

2. Usually how long after it has an escape route does a snake move toward it?

I'm new here and really only here because I'm over not having full run of my house... On Christmas night 25/12 ie 3 days ago... I was standing in the kitchen and a snake slithered beside me (heading past me) :shock: I ran like lightning to the front door and jumped up & down petrified for about 5 minutes before I was able to physically dial a snake catcher (This is after initially trying to call all friends, family and even 000 - which I didn't go through with btw)

Long story short - I had 4 snake catchers, myself and my older brother all searching my kitchen for the snake. It's disappeared out of sight....and since then I called the catcher back as I thought I found it. Turns out it was a baby rat *arghhh!* So he caught the rat. I have no idea how/why it was there it just was. My house is lived in and clean but definitely not filthy! So the rat may have been what he was chasing I don't know. There doesn't seem to be anymore just the one.

I should mention I'm in a second story apartment! Anyway it's been 3 long days with barely any sleep.... Snake catchers only come when you have found the snake (especially after being here twice already and found nothing after a quick search) The catcher also said it MIGHT be a slaty grey by my description of it (which was a dark dark colour looked black to me in the half light) So I've been researching them but you really can't be certain right?

I have cleaned out some cupboards (using a rake to pull things out of) then bag them in order to clear spaces - for peace of mind... :(

I'm somewhat tempted to open a certain cupboard door in the kitchen and hope the snakes decides to come out and go away - far far away from me.

The snake catchers also checked my fridge and freezer...including the oven...they also turned the oven on hoping it would come out if it was in there...

I'm petrified...but over not being able to cook etc It's been takeaway for 3 days and nights - I'm up all night and sleeping during the day (so I can see the snake if it decides to move).. I'm jumpy but at the same time I'm trying to get the courage to hopefully gently lead it toward the door (with a broom) if it comes out of hiding. :shock:

I know there's also a chance that it could have left already but I really don't think so! I think if it's anywhere that it's inside a little hole next to the hot water system under the sink area (see blue circle)

Help please! My questions again are:

1. How long can a snake sit still and not make a sound?

2. Usually how long after it has an escape route does a snake move toward it?

Many Thanks!! Joanne


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1. Days/weeks
2. Depends entirely on its motivation (species would also be a factor). Could be seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Where do you live by the way? State/city and can you remember anything about the snake? Colour/pattern/body or head shape? Im sure the snake catchers went through this with you to try and make an educated guess as to the species?
1. Days/weeks
2. Depends entirely on its motivation (species would also be a factor). Could be seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Where do you live by the way? State/city and can you remember anything about the snake? Colour/pattern/body or head shape? Im sure the snake catchers went through this with you to try and make an educated guess as to the species?

Oh wow :( That's a long time!!

I can't be 100% sure as the kitchen light was off/loungeroom light was on - byut it looked black to me.. I really didn't stand there long enough to check out head shape or markings (didn't see anything in my quick glance). I literally saw it and ran screaming to the front door lol

I'm in Cairns, QLD. The snake catcher thinks it MIGHT be a slaty grey....might being the keyword without having actually fully identified it..
Most times when I get called to try to find a snake in a house and can't find it it is never seen again they just end up finding their own way out without the home owners knowledge. I suspect given the length of time since you saw it this may be the case, of course its not a guarantee.

You could try putting flour down on the floor overnight, if the snake moves through the flour it will leave an obvious trail.
Most times when I get called to try to find a snake in a house and can't find it it is never seen again they just end up finding their own way out without the home owners knowledge. I suspect given the length of time since you saw it this may be the case, of course its not a guarantee.

You could try putting flour down on the floor overnight, if the snake moves through the flour it will leave an obvious trail.

Thank you!! I will try that! I did read that somewhere but was worried that might attract rats! I think this is going to be much easier than trying to rig a security cam type thing via my laptop LOL

Cheers for that.... will try it as soon as I'm ready for bed. I've been barricading myself in my room with towels/sheets down to cover the cracks under the doors lol
Firstly, thank you and congratulations for seeking help rather than trying to kill it, that's really great especially from someone who doesn't like snakes! :)

I would hazard a guess that snakey has moved on of its own accord, but if you're still concerned, the flour is a great idea. For peace of mind, you can spread it everywhere, but just across doorways and/or around any potential access points should be sufficient.

Best of luck getting rid of your unwanted tenant (if it's not gone already), and try not to freak out too much, they won't chase you!! :)
Firstly, thank you and congratulations for seeking help rather than trying to kill it, that's really great especially from someone who doesn't like snakes! :)

I would hazard a guess that snakey has moved on of its own accord, but if you're still concerned, the flour is a great idea. For peace of mind, you can spread it everywhere, but just across doorways and/or around any potential access points should be sufficient.

Best of luck getting rid of your unwanted tenant (if it's not gone already), and try not to freak out too much, they won't chase you!! :)

Well thank you for thank you for thanking me lol :)

After doing as much research as I can I'm satisfied the snake was trying to run away from the scenes in my head of "snake coming after me and will strike at my face while I'm sleeping" are slowly dissipating lol
Try to remember the snake is not out to get you. There is no malice in its intentions. If there is no food source then it will go. The probability of it still being there is slim. Like Firepac said they will find a way out. Try the flour across the doorway trick. In the mean time try and speak to someone you know who has snakes and see if they can help you to gain a different perspective.
Try to remember the snake is not out to get you. There is no malice in its intentions. If there is no food source then it will go. The probability of it still being there is slim. Like Firepac said they will find a way out. Try the flour across the doorway trick. In the mean time try and speak to someone you know who has snakes and see if they can help you to gain a different perspective.

Thanks for the advice on seeking someone out...that won't least not yet. But I definitely won't hurt it... It's my own fear of them and the unknown (ie is it venomous).. I'm just glad I ended up here to get advice rather than do something silly :)
The snake catcher thinks it MIGHT be a slaty grey...
MIGHT is the operative word. In the unlikely event of seeing the snake again try and get photos of it. Trying to ID a snake from someone description is not a good idea.

Most times when I get called to try to find a snake in a house and can't find it it is never seen again they just end up finding their own way out without the home owners knowledge. I suspect given the length of time since you saw it this may be the case, of course its not a guarantee.

You could try putting flour down on the floor overnight, if the snake moves through the flour it will leave an obvious trail.

This is very good advice and is almost identical to the advice I give in the same situations.
There are several reasons why snakes do not like staying inside of houses. Houses are dry areas, with limited or no access to water. They usually consist mostly of open spaces with limited places to hide. Snakes are not fond of smooth floor coverings, such as tiles or polished wood, as they do not afford a good grip. Snakes are shy and want to get away from the traffic noise generated by people.

I am surprised that the snake catcher suspected a Slaty Grey. I would have thought, given it was a second storey unit, a more arboreal species like a dark form of the Common Tree Snake (also harmless) would have been a more likely culprit. Still, he was there and I wasn’t.

Not that it is likely to happen again but there are a few things you can do…
If there are tree branches on or just over hanging the rails or decking, this could provide a point of access. You can ask to have them cut back. You could also check that all outside doors have properly fitted and working weather strips and that insect screens are intact and properly fitted. Get rid of any rats as the smell can attract snakes. Ask the landlord to fill up any gaps around plumbing fixtures and such. There are a number of expanding foam products available.

ahh joanne , that little map is hilarious , in a good way i love the bit "i sit here so i can see everything at all times" and cleaning out your cupboards with a rake haha gold , i wish there where more people like you out there your approach to having a snake in the house is great you may have been a little frightened but you didnt get a manly friend over to kill it like alot of people would

others have said pretty much everything , the flour one is one typically used by hobbyist's to find their escaped snakes so should work for you here to know if theres any activity

also if you do see him again , don't brush him to the door with a broom or anything , just watch him from a distance and follow him to his next hiding place whilst calling the snake catcher
trying to brush him could result in a bite from an unknown potentially dangerous species , could also be harmless but its best to keep a distance if your not familiar with snakes
LOL Thomas sorry for the late response.. I knew some of you snake lovers would get a kick out of story and pic hahaha I'm ok with that! I did the flour thing - literally ALL over the floors for 3 days.... got sick of waiting and cleaned up. Was a mess lol I haven't seen it since and I'm still very wary but not losing sleep over it like I had been.. Still, any little noise or movement makes me jumpy. Driving to work yesterday I head something in my car.. of course I immediately though snakes are out to get me and started imagining a scene where I see the snake and cause a car accident by jumping out mid-traffic lol But no... It's all good. And thanks again so much to all that responded to my initial post. I'm very grateful for the advice given and for helping me to calm down by explaining a snakes habits.. :) I certainly feel a lot more confident that if I ever see one so close to me again that I could handle it a bit better lol ie Take a pic and stay calm - call the snake handlers again...instead of running out of the house screaming like a lunatic :)

Thanks again and have a fantastic day! :)

Thanks for giving us an update Joanne. As suspected it appears he has gone on his way without you knowing or without him knowing what a commotion he caused
Well done Joanne. Facing our fears is never easy.
You are a real champ!

my friend saw a snake in my garage, screamed and ran back in the house to tell me. till i got there he snake was gone. 1 week later the same friend went ack down and saw it handing upside down towards her head..... again scremed and ran back inside. i got there caught it with some pipe and string and placed the young red bellied black snake far back in the bush.
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