Trying to find the right substrate

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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This is harder then I first thought! I have spent 2 hours in the search engine trying to find the ideal substrate for my snakeys. I am switching from newspaper as I want something for a display enclosure ;)
So please don't post on how I should continue using newspaper, thanks :)

This is what I have come up with so far...

Jungle: I have a toss up between Coir Peat, Coco Fibre and Kritters Crumble. Which one holds humidity the best?

Bredli: Kritters Crumble or Fake Grass (Astro Turf)....I'm leaning towards the Astro Turf. Would this be best?

Spotted: I really want to use aspen for my spotted. I really like the look of it :D Just want your opinions though, is chips or shavings best?

If you can reccomend something better I am open to ideas!!!

Cheers guys :)
for the jungle i would use a mix of coir peat and coconut fibre thatll keep in moisture pretty good lol remeber to not let it get too moist as mould can grow
with the bredli i would use kritters crumble or if your using fake grass be sure to get a couple of spare mats so when one gets soiled you can chuck a clean fresh one in while you clean the soiled grass matt,
and with the spotted aspen shaving are cooly cool looks great but can be pretty dear, i have heard of this hemp substrate which sounds pretty good cant remember the name looked sorta like grass clippings but not and it absorbs the ammonia smell
hope this helps
for my jungles i use kritters how ever with useing this u must make sure the snake is not feeding on it as the chips will attach to the rat/mouse and snake may swollow or it will get stuck in its mouth (i learnt the hard way) swollowing it i have heard is not good for there gut.

most of my snakes have substrate to go with there wild enviroment but keeping in mind that sand gets stuck to the food as does bark so best lay paper towel down and lay the snake on it if there not in the trees there is some stuff from a while ago on hear about fake grass u would have to look but i have never thaught of it as atm i have 2 BHPS womas and jungles so sand and kritter for me best of luck with it but if i was u i would look up were the pythons are from look at there habitats and choose from there on whats the best if there being on display i couldn think of anything nicer then seeing a snake in what looks like there proper enviroment
Astro turf, looks good, indestructible, wash, dry and re-use. Doesn't stick to food.

The bhp loves the rubberised bscking for shedding and makes a labyrinth of caves underneath it.
Wow! Thanks for all the help guys :D

I saw a bredli enclosure with fake grass and it looked awesome so I think I will stay with the astro turf ;) How big are the sheets at bunnings?

For my Jungle I'll be using Kritters Crumble....where can I get it from??? :?

Aspen looks cool and I don't mind paying a lot, my Spotted will love it! :D Or should I use Kritters for her as well.....

Thanks for the help! :D
I think I will stay with the astro turf ;) How big are the sheets at bunnings?
From memory they are about 2m wide. You might be able to get it half price if the only have a couple of metres left on the roll if you ask the right person as they will have difficulty finding someone to buy such a small piece.

If getting Aspen I think the chips are better than shavings. Aspen will easily last a month with spot cleaning. If feeding rodents that are defrosted in water its best to feed in a separate tub or dry them first so the aspen wont stick to them. Low water bowls have a tendency to get aspen pushed into them.

I tried astro turf but the problem is that it isn't absorbent AT ALL. When my big female bredli and some other big pythons decides to have a big excrement, it goes everywhere and stinks the place out.
Tried lining under with newspaper which helped a bit, but have gone back to crushed macadamia nut shell. It's great, can be sieved and reused after washing/ soaking in a weak chlorine soution and dried. Bits stick to prey animals if things get slobbery but have been using it for over 3 years now with no ill effects. Also dust free. Don't know where you can get it now. I got given 20 bags from a research institution.....but it's awesome and looks great.
I have completely given away astroturf now. It's a pain and really doesn't look "natural" at all.
Just my opinion.
Thanks Slide! I'll have a look at the seems like feeding on Aspen is a lot of work :?

Thanks for input mcbuggsy...if it is really that much of a pain I think I may just buy bulk of KC and use it for both Bredli and Jungle :) I think I'll test both and see which I like better :D
Not really much work, cleaning is easier. Easy as if you have rodents on hand to fresh kill. I dont have that option so i just dry them off with either a paper towel or a designated towel for that purpose. They dont have to be bone dry, just not soaking wet. You will get the same issue with KC but also have a higher chance of getting mould on KC than aspen. My personal choice is aspen over KC and also use newspaper on some.
Astro is ok while they are young and dont pee large volumes but as mentioned, its not absorbant at all and can have pee pooled up under it. I only use it for gravid girls so eggs wont bind to the astro if layed on them.
Hemp bedding is another option but I dont have first hand exp. with it. I imagine its properties would be very similar to aspen.

Do some trials and see what works best for you before you commit
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